Resources for Job Corps Sexual Assault Response Teams LaDonna Nicole Butler MS, RMHCI, CAP Director of Social Development SART Coordinator Pinellas County Job Corps Center
Objectives Review Statistics for Sexual Assault Identify Myths and Facts regarding Sexual Assault that impact the Job Corps Community. Review the Regional Office Pre - Assessment Tool and identify best practices across the nation. Explore resources that will support SART efforts within the Job Corps Community.
Sexual Assault Statistics Sexual Assault is defined as: any type of sexual activity that you do not agree to, including: inappropriate touching, vaginal, anal, or oral penetration, sexual intercourse that you say no to, rape, attempted rape, child molestation. Sexual assault can be verbal, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention. » Department of Health & Human Services
Sexual Assault Can be verbal, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention. Examples of this are voyeurism (when someone watches private sexual acts), exhibitionism (when someone exposes him/herself in public), incest (sexual contact between family members), and sexual harassment. It can happen in different situations: in the home by someone you know, on a date, or by a stranger in an isolated place.
Myths and Facts
The month of April has been designated Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in the United States. The goal of SAAM is to raise public awareness about sexual violence and to educate communities and individuals on how to prevent sexual violence. The 2013 Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) campaign focuses on healthy sexuality and child sexual abuse prevention.
SART & Job Corps Each center should formally establish a SART, which is inclusive of both prevention and response activities, and identify member roles and responsibilities. It is suggested that the team leader/coordinator be a full- time center employee (e.g., family planning coordinator, career counselor). See Health and Wellness Approach to (1) Family Planning and (2) Sexual Assault and Prevention TAG for information on creating a SART.
The Components of SART TEAM Establish a program for sexual assault that includes: A team approach Prevention and education Counseling and treatment Follow-up care Reporting mechanisms
Training Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body. »Arnold SchwarzeneggerArnold Schwarzenegger Local Rape Crisis Centers »RAINN will provide local center information as well as state information Victim Services Practitioner Training – State –The Office of Attorney General, Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute (FCPTI) established the Victim Services Professional Development Program to provide comprehensive victim services/victim advocacy training for law enforcement personnel, state attorney office staff, private non-profit victim advocates and other professionals in the field of victim services. FCPTI is pleased to offer training opportunities in the TUITION FREE. ONLINE TRAINING – Free Victim Assistance Training Online is a basic victim advocacy web-based training program that offers victim service providers and allied professionals the opportunity to acquire the basic skills and knowledge they need to better assist victims of crime.Victim Assistance Training Online
We Make A Difference Each center must define standards for acceptable and unacceptable sexual behavior. The standards should both create and support comfortable learning and living environments, and (2) protect individuals from exploitative, coercive, and traumatic experiences. The Center Director must ensure that center rules for sexual behavior are equally applied to all students (and staff). During the Introduction to Center Living, students must be informed of the center’s standards regarding sexual behavior.
Policy Job Corps policy [PRH-6: 6.11, R6 (a, b)] requires that each Center Director: 1)Establish a program for sexual assault risk reduction, response, and follow up care 2)Develop a team response to sexual assault that involves center staff and outside resources. 3)Report sexual assaults: To law enforcement authorities as required by state and local law As significant incidents (see Chapter 5, Section 5.5, Management and Reporting of Significant Incidents)
Prevention and Education Orientation—During orientation to health and wellness services (during Introduction to Center Living), students should be given introductory information about the SART and the sexual assault prevention and response program, including where to go for help. Orientation Wellness Education Program (WEP)—The human sexuality segment of WEP should include information on sexual assaults and risk reduction. TEAP Education Classes—The TEAP specialist should provide information to all students regarding the connection between alcohol and drug use and sexual assault. TEAP Education Classes— Informal Discussion Groups—Small group discussions, generally held in the dormitory, may be another means of teaching students about sexual assault risk reduction. Informal Discussion Groups
Peer Education Groups Peer Education Groups Gay Straight Alliance Phoenix Ambassador ( MARIAAs) Integration with SGA Training Residential & Counseling Teams ▪ RA Counseling Meeting Managers Meeting MDT Meetings Free Resources Monthly Activities – Healthy Communication, Boundaries, Sexual Health, Pro social Engagement ▪ Minimum Posting on student website and/or Newsletter ▪ Center Newsletters ▪ Advertising Availability Posting Services Available Sharing Peer Education Events ▪ Open Enrollment
National Sexual Assault Online Hotline What is the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline? The National Sexual Assault Online Hotline is a free, confidential, secure service that provides live help over the RAINN website. Who should use the Online Hotline? Victims of sexual assault (whether their attack took place today or decades ago) Spouses, family members, and partners of victims Friends of victims What services does the Online Hotline provide? Crisis intervention and support Answers to your questions about recovering from sexual assault Information about medical issues Explanations of the criminal justice system, and what to expect when you report the crime to the police Referrals to resources in your area Information for family and friends of victims How does it work? It works just like instant messaging. You'll go into a private session with a trained volunteer and communicate, live, by typing messages back and forth. The service is completely anonymous, and you do not have to give your name or any personal information. Who provides the help? Online Hotline services are provided by RAINN and local rape crisis centers across the US, with the help of hundreds of trained volunteers. All trained volunteers have successfully completed state-mandated training and receive ongoing supervision from their local center. Online Hotline supervisors monitor sessions for quality control. Does the Online Hotline provide ongoing help? The Online Hotline provides immediate crisis help and information about recovery and prosecution. If you need ongoing help, your trained volunteer will connect you to your local rape crisis center, which provides free individual and group support sessions and other services. You can always reach your local rape crisis center directly by calling the National Sexual Assault Hotline at HOPE.
Florida Council Against Sexual Assault
Sexual Responsibility Week Pinellas Sexual Responsibility Week Be Safe, Be Sexy, Be Smart Hosted by Peer Education Group ▪ Fashion Show ▪ Spoken Word ▪ Pinellas County Health Department Presentation & Give Away ▪ Educational Information ▪ Themed Dance in conjunction with Valentines day Dance 16
Sexual Assault Awareness Month Pinellas County Job Corps Film Festival – Rec. Committee Day of Action – Plenary Speakers - SGA Get Moving for Prevention – ▪ Hosted by Counseling Department Room / Bathroom Campaign ▪ Hosted by Residential Committee White Ribbon Campaign ▪ Hosted by Boy’s Basketball Team Human Ribbon ▪ Hosted by Peer Education Group Light the Night ▪ Hosted by Recreation/Food Committee/ Safety Committee Denim Day ▪ Hosted by Football & Basketball Teams & Construction Committee Art Display ▪ Art Department – Open Gallery 17
Summary Five components for a successful and effective sexual assault prevention and response program –A team approach –Prevention and education –Counseling and treatment –Follow-up care –Reporting mechanisms Be Purposeful throughout the year –Dorm Meetings, Safety Week, Sexual Responsibility Week, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Sexual Assault Awareness Month Involve the students Activate Peer Education Groups Utilize the vast resources in the community Be Creative with the technology constraints HAVE FUN!!!
Additional Resources Phone: (TDD: ) National Center for Victims of Crime Phone: or (TDD: )National Center for Victims of Crime National Crime Prevention Council Phone: National Crime Prevention Council National Domestic Violence Hotline Phone: (TDD: )National Domestic Violence Hotline National Sexual Violence Resource Center Phone: or (TDD: )National Sexual Violence Resource Center Office on Violence Against Women, OJP, DOJ Phone: (TDD: )Office on Violence Against Women, OJP, DOJ Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network Phone: or Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network
Questions LaDonna Butler nd Street South