Don Butler Vice President-Government Relations & Public Affairs Murphy-Brown LLC
World’s leading producer of pork Over 5,000 employees Annual payroll $245.8 M 845,000 sows in production in US 16.2 million market hogs produced (FY13) Partner with over 2,000 independent farmers Located in 12 states across the U.S.
Responsible Animal Production Conversion of individual gestation stalls to group sow housing by 2017 Responsible antibiotics usage to treat, prevent, and control disease Utilizing a comprehensive animal care audit program Consulting with world’s leading experts on animal handling Remaining 100% Pork Quality Assurance Plus compliant at both company-owned and contract farms Maintain 100% Transport Quality Assurance (TQA) compliant Keeping our animals safe, comfortable, and healthy
Responsible Employer Protecting employees health and safety and creating a fair and ethical workplace environment “Excellence” program develops leadership skills Promote employee health and wellness Promote from within Employee engagement surveys to evaluate communication, recognition, employee relationships, and leadership Employee diversity cultivates workforce that provides a variety of perspective and experience
Protecting our Environment Goal is to be 100% compliance, 100% of the time No NOVs in 2012 Monitor water use at each facility Track energy use at all our facilities Researching manure to energy projects Partner with wind-power companies Exploring renewable energy opportunities
Food Safety & Quality Strict antibiotics usage policy Traceability of our animals Pork Quality Assurance Plus (PQA Plus) Healthy animals make safe food
Community health and wellness initiatives American Red Cross “Ready When the Time Comes” American Cancer Society “Relay for Life” American Heart Association “Hoops for Hearts” “Stop Hunger Now” meal packing program “Backpack for Buddies” school lunch program FFA and 4-H Organizations Community clean up initiatives Sponsor local fire and EMS organizations Helping Communities
Community Beautification Projects
Community Health & Wellness Projects
Youth Projects (4-H/FFA)