Critiques/Kritiks Baxter MDAW 2013 “Strange things are afoot at the circle k…” --Ted Theodore Logan
Uniqueness Links Causality A B Impacts Kritiks vs. Disads
Fiat Permutations Kritiks vs. Counterplans
Value to Life Why every kritik is the same Why should language matter Kritiks vs. Counterplans (2)
Do we need an alt? Kritiks vs. Counterplans (3)
By Lav
Dumb Framework Aff: the Neg can only read a CP or advocate the status quo Neg: the judge should only listen to kritiks!
Why is this dumb? No “best type” of argument Aff is whiny Is necessarily not “real world”
Smart framework!! Interpretation of knowledge vs interpretation of arguments
Smart framework examples Only evaluate impacts that have been justified [read cards why marxism is a way to justify impacts]
More Smart Framework Aff: Only evaluate impacts that are justified [read cards about why social science is the best]
Framework Cheating! Allows you to not answer arguments on the aff and the neg and or Beat people JUST on framework
reify elide conflate utopia/dystopia Dichotomy us/them, self/other, inside/outside General Vocab
otherization normalization normative v. descriptive objective v. subjective subject cooptation General Vocab(2)
enlightenment rationality modernism Ontology Epistemology Ethics Kritik/Philosophy Words
Deontology Utilitarianism Ideology Discourse Kritik/Philosophy Words
capitalism Marxism Socialism Anarchy Commodification/commodity Fetish Empire (Hardt/Negri) Multitude Proletariat Bourgeois Objectivism (Rand) Frankfurt School (Adorno, Marcuse) Economics
Realism Idealism Securitization/Environmental Securitization Eurocentrism Occident Orientalism Self Fulfilling Prophecy/Error Replication Nuclearism Nuclear Numbing Chaloupka/Love the Bomb Development Global/Local (Nayer) Human Rights K International Relations
Identity Politics Waves of Feminism: 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd Feminist International Relations Public/Private Dichotomy Patriarchy 3 rd World Feminism Ecofeminism Performativity (Butler) Sex v. Gender Heteropatriarchy Identity Politics
Heterosexism/Homophobia Phallocentrism Phallogocentrism Standpoint Epistomology Subaltern (Spivak) Essentialism Strategic Essentialism Intersectionality Victimology Narratives (Delgado) Violence (Fanon) Identity Politics (2)
Critical Race Theory Critical Legal Studies Indeterminacy Masking Trashing Normativity (Schlag) Role Playing Rights Talk Legal
power discipline micropolitics panopticon geneaology death of the author repressive hypothesis confessional bare life Homo Sacer (Agamben) State of exception Biopower Foucault
logocentrism trace erasure deconstruction differance Derrida
psychoanalysis Freud Lacan Zizek Metaphoric condensation Letter of the law Symptom Lack Fidelity to the Event (Badiou) Jouissance Desire Object A Psychoanalysis