Conducting a HOSA Meeting Teresa Rogers Butler County ATC Fall 2010
Types of Meeting Executive Executive – Meeting of the Chapter officers – Used to plan for the regular meeting Regular Regular – Regular scheduled meeting, usually monthly – Time and date should be placed on the Chapter’s Calendar of Events Special Special – Called to discuss unexpected business items – Chapters may have bylaws concerning announcement of special business meeting
Meeting Agenda Call to order Call to order Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call / Quorum Roll Call / Quorum Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes of Previous Meeting Treasurer’s Report Treasurer’s Report Officer’s Report Officer’s Report Standing Committees Standing Committees Special Committees Special Committees Unfinished Business Unfinished Business Program Program Announcements Announcements Adjournment Adjournment
Call to Order Call to Order – The official opening of the business meeting. It is done by the President Pledge of Allegiance / HOSA Creed Pledge of Allegiance / HOSA Creed Roll Call / Quorum Roll Call / Quorum – Necessary for any business meeting. – May be taken by actually calling each member’s name, passing a sign-in sheet, or taking attendance at the door.
Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes of Previous Meeting – Must be approved either as read or as corrected. – Once approved, the minutes become a part of the official record of the Chapter. Treasurer’s Report Treasurer’s Report – Should be as brief and uncomplicated as possible. – Once given, the report should be accepted subject to audit
Officer’s Report Officer’s Report – Should be as brief as possible – May be given in writing or verbally – If an officer gives recommendations, their form should resemble a committee’s recommendations – After the report is given, the President restates the recommendation and asks for a second – It then becomes a main motion
Standing Committees Standing Committees – Include those committees which serve all and have official tasks that are mentioned in the constitution or bylaws. – In the case of the standing committee report no motion is necessary because only facts are presented
Special Committees Special Committees – Includes committees which are appointed for a limited time and a specific purpose. – Their existence is terminated with the final report to the Chapter. – In the case of a special committee report, a motion for its adoption is necessary because it makes a recommendation.
Unfinished Business Unfinished Business – Include any question(s) that was pending at the last meeting when it was adjourned or any unfinished business at the last meeting that did not reach the floor New Business New Business – Any business item new to the Chapter
Program Program – An optional agenda item that is usually in order at this point on the agenda Announcements Announcements – Any announcement pertinent to the organization is in order at this time Adjournment / Recess Adjournment / Recess – The ending of the meeting. – The next time the Chapter convenes, it must start at the beginning of the agenda
Chapter Management: Tips for Problem Solving 1.Speak up when the discussion is in progress...don’t gunnysack for later. 2.Don’t interpret the other person’s motive or label him/her. This puts others on the defensive and he/she won’t listen to you with an open mind. 3.Stick to the specific issues. Don’t over-generalize. Be very concrete. 4.Don’t use the occasion to bring out your museum of resentments. Don’t let others do that either. Solve one problem at a time.
5.Never apologize for asserting your rights. 6.Nonverbal cues should be consistent with verbal language. Voice, facial expressions and body language should back up the message, not negate it. 7.Overkill is unnecessary...the mark of the insecure! Use only the amount of force necessary to get the message across. 8.If necessary, take additional steps or bring others in. Don’t threaten... State what you are going to do and follow through.
9. Look the person in the eye. 10. Don’t hit below the belt. 11. Do not collude! (To collude is to pretend to agree when you don’t or pretend to be something you aren’t.) 12. Avoid a fight. If the problem solving process leads to an insult exchange or becomes a repetitive, stale argument, then it is obvious the problem has stalled.