By: Elizabeth S. Butler Pd. 3
An Endangered Species is a species of animal that is on the brink of extinction. The endangered animal is usually close to extinction because of human’s actions, but sometimes because of natural causes. (Ex. Pollution, Hunting, Biocides, etc.)
The most common reasons for endangerment almost always include destruction from humans. Some of them include pollution, disease, habitat destruction, over exploration, human disturbances, hunting, and some biocides. All of these do cause harm to humans as well.
There are many ways to prevent endangerment. If we all helped support our environment a lot more, there would be less endangered species. We could also place our endangered species in a more secure area, according to their habitats. We could even prevent complete habitat destruction by creating a new habitat when we destroy one we could do this by planting more trees and even moving all of the animals to the new habitat.
An invasive species is an organism that is moved from its native habitat to a new, unknown place, in which it affects negatively by either killing or harming the other species living in that area. They disrupt the basic routine of the new habitat by impacting one or more of the species.
Most invasive species were brought into the USA by immigration into our country. Some invasive species were brought to America purposefully, through imports in food in as early as the 1800s. Other invasive species were brought to America unknowingly through disease of infections on livestock or food. Some invasive species migrate naturally from place to place, over time. Other invasive species were already here, in the USA.
They harm and/or kill plants. They harm and/or kill animals. Invasive species alter the ecosystem around them. Invasive species may even cause some plants or animals to become endangered. They also reduce habitat wildlife and cause harm to humans, indirectly.
Salt Cedar- Tamarix spp: Absorbs large amounts of water and creates large deposits of salt. Nutria-Myocastyor coypus: Damages vegetation and destroys habitats and wetlands. Emerald Ash Borer-Agrilus planipennis: A wood- boring beetle that greatly affects and harms ash trees. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid- Adelges tsugae: Destroys Eastern Hemlock Trees. Zebra Mussel- Dreissena polymorpha: Potentially damaging clam spread by water transport.
Reintroduced-Deliberately released species, from captivity, into a habitat that the said species used to inhabitat, but has moved on because of various reasons. The North American River Otter is a reintroduced Species in Pennsylvania. Extirpated- A species that has become completely extinct in an area, but that species may exist somewhere else either in special care or still in their natural habitats.