Fundamentalism is a movement that affirmed the literal truth of the bible. Fundamentalism believe the words of the bible were inspired by God and should be interpreted literally and fallowed closely.
Rural people in the South and Midwest, remained faithful to there churches. When large numbers of famers migrated to cities, they brought fundamentalism with them and in Southern California several fundamentalist preachers (evangelists) used radio to reach many people.
A new states law against teaching or law prohibiting public school teachers from denying the bible.
He is a local science teacher. He and other teacher used the state-approved text book had broken the Butler Act. In 1925 he agreed to go on trail to test the legality of Butler Act.
Clarence Darrow – volunteered as defense lawyer for Scopes. William – joined the prosecution to testify as an expert on the bible.
Darrow put Bryan on the stand and Bryan admited to not literally following the bible. Both side victory but Scopes was found guilty and find $100.
They brought fundamentalism with them. The familiar religion helped them make sense of their new lives.
Prohibition was more of a Political and Moral change in America
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Kanticha Prasertsak Olivia Parker