Dona DeMarsh Butler, Director Citizens Academy 2013
Dona DeMarsh Director Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) Manager: Donna Carter Human Services Manager: Pat James Housing & Grants Administration Manager: Diana Phillips Support Services Manager: Walt Lacey
Federal(64%)$21,250,843 State (4%)$ 1,165,593 County (32%)$10,578,232 Total$32,994,668 Includes estimated rollover budgets of: Federal $12,883,192 State $ 544,804
4 locations – DeLand, Daytona Beach, New Smyrna, Orange City Emergency assistance for: Rent, mortgage Utility payments Prescription and medical Dental Transportation Indigent burials Family self-sufficiency Summer food Indigent – hospital and nursing home costs
Homeownership Down payment assistance Home rehabilitation Minor and substantial Neighborhood Stabilization Community development Homeless services Alcohol/drug abuse and mental health Children and families Anti-drug programs
Rehabilitation Home buyer assistance Community Development Disaster Recovery Foreclosures Unstable funding
Housing Choice Voucher Utilities Family Self-sufficiency Homeownership
Fraud Significant time in investigation and recovery Zero/low-income clients Waiting list 2,500 applications in 2009 Reduction in HUD funding Rise in cost of housing assistance payments Portability
219 families have safe, affordable rental housing. 4 Participants have their own business 3 Participants are responsible for their full rent 43 of our families have used the portability feature and live in housing outside of Volusia County. 90 families have utilized the portability feature to relocate to the County of Volusia.
21 families have entered into our Family Self Sufficiency program. 14 Participants earned escrow Average escrow $2,293 Our fraud investigation revealed $50,000 during the last fiscal year.