The year that Mamie L. Bass created the principles of Altrusa. Slid e 1
The first club of Altrusa Institute was organized in Nashville, Tennessee in this year. Slid e 1
The year that an international dream was achieved and Altrusa changed its name to Altrusa International Inc. Slid e 1
The first country to charter an Altrusa Club outside of the United States. Slid e 1
A significant change in Altrusa that came at the 1987 International Convention in Palm Desert, California when the delegate body amended the Bylaws to permit this. Slid e 1
This former first lady was an active member of the Altrusa Club of New York where she was classified under Furniture. Slid e 1
The first national president in Altrusa. Slid e 1
The award given to a District nine president for distinguished leadership during her club year is named in honor of this woman. Slid e 1
The Membership Award which rewards growth in membership is named in honor of this woman. Slid e 1
The International Relations Award is named in honor of this woman. Slid e 1
The Altrusa Motto as displayed on the official emblem and on every pin. Slid e 1
Clubs for youth between the ages of 12 and 25 offering opportunities for mentoring and leadership development. Slid e 1
Add an Altrusan Day. Slid e 1
The committee that accepts and drafts changes to the By-Laws for presentation to the delegate body at conference or to the club members of an individual club. Slid e 1
A planning tool that is a living document used to help clubs formulate a forward moving plan of action. Slid e 1
The oldest Altrusa club in Texas. Slid e 1
The location of the 2007 International Convention. Slid e 1
The location of the 2008 District Conference for District Nine. Slid e 1
The current president of Altrusa International Inc hails from this state. Slid e 1
The site of Altrusa International Inc. headquarters. Slid e 1
International Dues. Slid e 1
District Dues. Slid e 1
International Foundation’s program established in 1997 to establish a camp and support children with HIV/AIDS. Slid e 1
The number of clubs in District Nine. Slid e 1
This is the half year membership dues period. Slid e 1
What is 1921? Slide 1
What is 1917? Slid eSlid e 1
What is 1935? Slid eSli de 1 1Sli de 1
What is Mexico? Slid eSli de 1 1Sli de 1
What is “Accept Men into membership”? Slid eSli de 1 1Sli de 1
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt? Slid eSli de 1 1Sli de 1
Who is Mamie L. Bass? Slid e 1Sli de 1Sli de 1
Who is Edith DeBusk? Slid e Slid e 11 Slid e 1
Who is Joella Terrill Butler? Slid eSlid e 1
Who is Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun Slid......
What is “PATRIOTISM EFFICIENCY SERVICE”? Slid eSli de 1Slid eSli de 1 1
What is ASTRA? Slid e Slid e 11 Slid e 1
What is AAAD? Slid eSlid e 1
What is BRR? Slid e 1
What is the LRSP? Slid e Slid e 11 Slid e 1
What is Austin Texas? Slid eSlid e 1
What is Orlando Florida? Slid eSli de 1
What is Richardson Texas? Slid eSli de 1 1Sli de 1
What is Texas? Slid eSlid e 1
What is Chicago Illinois? Slid eSli de 1 1Sli de 1
What is $45.00? Slid eSlid e 1
What is $13.00? Slid eSlid e 1
What is Club 21? Slid e 1Sli de 1
What is 33? Slid eSlid e 1
What happens annually December 1 to March 31? Slid eSlid e 1