The Ulysses Syndrome (also called The Syndrome of the Immigrant with Chronic and Multiple Stress); Dr Achotegui during his two visits to London in June 2011 and March 2013 told the community that Immigration is not itself a cause of mental illness but it is a high risk factor if the following circumstances apply: i). there is vulnerability: the immigrant suffers an illness or is physically disabled ii). the level of factors is very high: for example the environment of acceptance is hostile iii). both conditions given take place
Today’s immigrants possesses a great quality of education, moral and values, they do things similar to Ulysses, Clark Kent from the planet Crypton and Kaliman from Mexico. They are imbued with a strong moral compass. (Juan Pimienta, Lisbon on July 2013)
"Kalimán makes it clear that he does nothing that any other men would not be able to do through self-discipline, study and hard work. The Ibero/Latin American community members are like those in any other community, humans made with the same qualities, and equipped with the same essence as these three heroes, nostalgic of their native land. Immigrants such as Ulysses in particular, feel exhausted, irritable and depressed. They find themselves experiencing headaches, feeling lonely, hopeless and regretful." (Quoted from PC Bob's Adventures, June 2014, London by Juan Pimienta) A would-be immigrant collapses on Gran Tarajal beach after arriving on the Island of Fuerteventura, one of Spain’s Canary islands. ©REUTERS / JUAN MEDINA, COURTESY In 2000 the bodies of 58 Chinese migrants were found in the back of a lorry at the port of Dover. X Ray vision This X-ray photo was taken in March 1999 by Mexican authorities.
The Sunday Times, 17 th August In 2000 the bodies of 58 Chinese migrants were found in the back of a lorry at the port of Dover.
An American soldier in World War II who was given a serum that transformed him into a physically perfect human and fights for liberty and justice.
Captain America has no superhuman powers, but he is transformed and his strength, endurance, agility, speed, reflexes, durability, and healing are at the zenith of natural human potential. The super-soldier serum; it does not wear off.
Digital Natives
Gen Z is part of a generation that is global, social, visual and technological. They are the most connected, educated and sophisticated generation ever. Digital Natives Digital immigrants
They comprise nearly 2 billion people globally, and they don’t just represent the future, they’re creating it. Gen Z’s have been born into the crisis period of terrorism, the global recession and climate change. They are predicted to spend their young adult years in a time of economic and social renewal. They are also living in an era of changing household structures, and are the students of today and university graduates, employees and consumers of tomorrow.
The Metropolis of Londinium "Londinium with a population of over 8 million, amidst 300 languages spoken, a world of races with a playful smile of wonderful hopes for a better world, celebrates the millennium with balloons being lifted up into a spectacular blue sky…." "…Some of them are individuals imbued with a strong moral compass. They are a diverse group made-up of Argentineans, Bolivians, Brazilians, Colombians, Ecuadorians, Mexicans and Peruvians, to name but a few nationalities. The Latin American population is mainly of working age, growing in size and residentially dispersed throughout the city." (Quoted from PC Bob's Adventures, June 2014, London by Juan Pimienta)
"…Today’s immigrants in the Metropolis of Londinium possess a great quality, that of doing a world of good, with admirable moral values full of tolerance and optimism…" (Quoted from PC Bob's Adventures, June 2014, London by Juan Pimienta)
Juan Pimienta head of Metropolitan Police Ibero American Association (Member of S.A.M.U.R.A.I) Tel