BS2032 Public Services Management 8: ICT in the Public Sector
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Patricia Hewitt is Britain’s first ‘e-minister’ (Speech to World Congress on IT, Taipei, Taiwan, June 14 th, 2000) Goal is universal internet access by 2005 Internet access through digital TV and mobile devices (hence auction for 3 rd Generation mobile spectrum) All government services to be on-line by 2005
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Get the market framework right (by further liberalising telecommunication market) Laws need modernising (e.g. Electronic Communications Act gives legal validity to digital signatures) All schools and libraries to be connected to the Internet (and all new teachers will have to be IT competent)
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Creating 700 UK on-line centres in low-income communities As citizens are getting 24/7 service from banks, supermarkets, they expect the same of government Some 1.5 billion transactions (e.g. payment of child benefit) take place each year ‘Legacy’ IT systems have to become ‘joined up’ (DSS operates over 100 IT systems)
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector New ‘portal’ being built (‘UK online’) designed to be a one-stop shop for government Some are being trialled ( Most government depts. are connected to the Government Secure Intranet (GSI) nut need ‘joining up’ with each other Move from ‘forms on line’ to ‘transactions on line’ Government need to create ‘mass customised services’
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector New NHS Direct A 24/7 service (2/3rds of callers take a different course of action than intended e.g. visit Casualty) Foreign Office gives on-line advice to travellers Childcare Link brings together information on jobs, training and local childcare Benefits Agency and Employment Agency to be brought together into ONE
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Central government’s role is to mandate the basic technical framework (browser = key interface, adoption of XML as cornerstone of government data integration) 2 transformations required: G ->C (Governments to Customers) G->G (Government to Government) IT procurement must work better Start with the citizen not the service, partner with private sector, get the process right (not just the technology)
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Government and Large Computer Systems The Government’s record in handling large-scale computer systems has not been good with some spectacular ‘failures’ Systems necessarily large and complex Specifications subject to political change Cannot hide mistakes so readily, but with no reference to the financial discipline of the market The correct methodology (Life Cycle or SSADM?)
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Government and Large Computer Systems DHSS Operational Strategy in the 1980’s planned to link 40,000 micros in 1000 offices Costs soared (£700m ->£2000million) Accuracy levels low (e.g. 1 in 5 family credit claims incorrect) Shortage of key IT staff to ‘project manage’ the implementation
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Government and Large Computer Systems Wessex Regional Health Authority launched an ambitious Regional Systems Information Systems Plan abandoned in 1990 (write-offs between million) Contract suggested ‘too cosy’ a relationship with major IT suppliers – resignations came before an enquiry Very large amounts of money now spent on computer systems in the NHS (some as a result of the internal market)
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Government and Large Computer Systems 1992 London Ambulance Service Computer Aided Despatch System probably resulted in excess deaths (staff warnings unheeded) Cheapest tender accepted – software written by staff with no experience 1999 Passport Office (150,000 backlog)
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Can we spot a disaster in the making ? Swanwick NATS (National Air Traffic control System) High number of bugs in 1.8 million lines of code Needs to comply with 3,300 functional requirements and work on 203 workstations Software written by inexperienced staff Late, £120 million over budget
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Information Age Government (Ch. 5 of Modernising Government) Government has allowed decentralised approach (which means incompatibility of systems) Plans to make it easier for individuals/companies to do business with the Government Improve communications within government Facilitate partnership with the private sector Support local communities; voluntary sector
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Information Age Government (Ch. 5 of Modernising Government) Corporate IT strategy for government develop electronic services for citizens and businesses Partnership between public, private and voluntary sectors
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector By 2002… the citizen can Book driving and theory tests Look for work/be matched for jobs Submit self-assessment tax returns Get information and advice about benefits Get on-line health information and advice Use the National Grid for Learning Apply for training loans and support
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector By 2002… businesses can complete VAT registrations file returns at Companies House apply for regional support grants receive payments for supply of goods and services
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Government needs to… Agree data standards Authenticate digital signatures standardise call centres develop digital TV Coherent approach to government web sites Provide ‘portals’ (electronic gateways)
BS2032 Public Services Management 8:ICT in the Public Sector Current issues… Encryption standards to ’free-up’ e-commerce Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act seen as draconian Is Freedom of Information paradoxically made more difficult ? Possibility of Unique Personal Identifiers (UPI) now closer