Zacchaeus, Parable of the Gold Coins, Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem Viewing Luke Chapter 19 Prepared by: Soon Siak. September 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Zacchaeus, Parable of the Gold Coins, Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem Viewing Luke Chapter 19 Prepared by: Soon Siak. September 2009

What say U? Think and say one advantage OR disadvantage of being short.

Zacchaeus (19:1-10) & Triumphal Entry (19:28-48) Video show of The Man (track 04:20-10:53 disc 2) A Little Man Meets a Big God. The Return of The King

A Little Man Meets a Big God (19:1-19:10) Some thoughts... I. The Searching Sinner (19:2-4) II. The Seeking Savior (19:5) III. The Spectacular Salvation (19:6-10)

A Little Man Meets a Big God (19:1-19:10) Application... Zacchaeus went thru’ four stages: Curious. He wanted to get to know who Jesus was. Considered. He investigated the claims of Christ. Converted. The searching Savior saved him and forgave his sins. Changed. His life was radically redirected after his conversion.

Jesus Meets Zacchaeus (19:1-10) Past year question Section A SPM 1999 “Hurry down, Zacchaeus, because I must stay in your house today.” (Luke 19:5) Who was Zacchaeus and where was he at this time? What did Zacchaeus later say to Jesus in his house? How did Jesus respond to his statement?

The Parable of the Gold Coins (19:11-27) To correct the false assumption that the kingdom of God would occur immediately. Jesus shows its fullness will be delayed. Note the responsibility of the people of God during this interim period. Told at Zacchaeus’ house in Jericho. Based on a historical event (p85j)

Jesus Enters Jerusalem (19:28-40) Jesus deliberately fulfilled messianic prophecies. (p86t) Zechariah 9:9 Everyone in Jerusalem, celebrate and shout! Your king has won a victory, and he is coming to you. He is humble and rides on a donkey; he comes on the colt of a donkey. Jesus not only accepted the homage paid to Him as the Messiah, but He insisted that it was legitimate. (v40) The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, which took place on Sunday before the Crucifixion, was an enacted parable, a dramatic way in which Jesus proclaimed His messiahship. This fulfilled in minute detail the prophecy of Zech. 9:9.

Jesus Enters Jerusalem (19:28-40) Past year questions Section B SPM 1990 What preparation did Jesus make for his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem? Describe this entry and comment on its significance. SPM 1991 Describe the preparations made that led to Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem the Last Supper Comment on the preparations for the two events.

Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem (19:41-44) Jesus knew that the acclaim of the populace would be short-lived. They were blind to the true nature of His kingdom and would reject Him. As a result, Jerusalem would be destroyed, a prophecy that came to pass in A.D.70.

Jesus Cleanses the Temple (19:45-48) The money changers and other merchants were fraudulent in the transactions. Jesus fulfills the prophecy of Mal 3:1-3 by another anacted parable, this one demonstrating His messianic authority with respect to the fraudulent and the commercialisation of the sacrificial system.

Jesus uses OT scriptures (19:45-48) Malachi 3:1-3 1 I, the LORD All-Powerful, will send my messenger to prepare the way for me. Then suddenly the Lord you are looking for will appear in his temple.The messenger you desire is coming with my promise, and he is on his way. 2On the day the Lord comes, he will be like a furnace that purifies silver or like strong soap in a washbasin. No one will be able to stand up to him. 3The LORD will purify the descendants of Levi, as though they were gold or silver. Then they will bring the proper offerings to the LORD, Isaiah 56:7 I will bring them to my holy mountain, where they will celebrate in my house of worship. Their sacrifices and offerings will always be welcome on my altar. Then my house will be known as a house of worship for all nations. Jeremiah 7:11 You are thieves, and you have made my temple your hideout. But I've seen everything you have done.