Jatropha is an arid oilseed crop with a 30 – 35% oil content Biodiesel Journal (May-June, 2007) An inedible, toxic fruit could be the best thing that has happened to … biofuels The Produce News, 5/18/2007 Jatropha oil … burns cleaner than fossil fuels … [It] burns with 1/5 th the emissions of conventional fuel. Washington Times, 2/21/2007 Africa has the potential to be the Middle East of biofuels Newsweek, 2/19/07
Environmental Impacts
Emission Reduction Biodiesel reduces emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) by approximately 50% and carbon dioxide by 78% tem=Features&itemid=477&language=1http:// tem=Features&itemid=477&language=1
Carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the production of biodiesel from jatropha plantations are likely to be less than 15 per cent compared to petrol-diesel, according to a March 2005 paper in Natural Resources Forum by George Francis and colleagues at Germany's University of Hohenheim seaction=readitem&rgwid=4&item=Features&i temid=477&language=1http:// seaction=readitem&rgwid=4&item=Features&i temid=477&language=1
Energy Inputs Soybean plants requires 27% more fossil energy than fuel produced Sunflower plants requires 118% more fossil energy than fuel produced d=4&item=Features&itemid=477&language=1http:// d=4&item=Features&itemid=477&language=1
Energy Inputs Soybean plants requires 27% more fossil energy than fuel produced Sunflower plants requires 118% more fossil energy than fuel produced But --- Jatropha produces substantially more energy than energy required And it gets carbon credits.
Economic Impacts Today – Ghana spends valuable currency reserves to import refined petroleum --- limiting economic development
Economic Impacts Today – Ghana spends valuable currency reserves to import refined petroleum --- limiting economic development Tomorrow – Ghana will purchase biofuels in-country, building the economy
Social Impacts Gold Star will triple average daily wage to $3 / day thereby meeting UN Anti-Poverty goals 8 years ahead of schedule provide full health coverage to all employees and their families.
Market Size
How large is the market for petroleum diesel substitutes?
Market Size How large is the market for petroleum diesel substitutes? Today, Jatropha Curcas is the only non-food feedstock for biodiesel to address that market.
Market Size Gold Star controls world’s largest land area dedicated to growing jatropha 5 Million acres suitable for producing more than 1.5 billion gallons of biodiesel per year
Market Size Gold Star controls world’s largest land area dedicated to growing jatropha 5 Million acres suitable for producing more than 1.5 billion gallons of biodiesel per year PRESOLD!
Agreements for Land in Ghana
Upper West Region
Upper East Region
Brong-Ahafo Region
Central Region
Management Team
Chief Executive Officer Industry Experience: Intel Teledyne Williams Energy Carnation Company Professor, International Business Strategy
Chief Operating Officer Jack Holden Serial Entrepreneur Oil, cable TV, food production, farming 27+ years in W. Africa.
VP - Production Robert Woode, MSc. Mechanical Engineer Built existing biodiesel refinery.
Chief Financial Officer Carroll S. Buck Sr. Executive New - England Public Utility Nuclear, renewable energy Professor, Finance / Accounting.
Senior Agronomist Dr. James Barlow World-recognized expert in sustainable agriculture Supported in Africa by team of 11 graduate agribusiness specialists..
VP – Finance James S. Love Serial Entrepreneur Created multiple, successful, environmentally-friendly companies.
VP– Refinery Operations Steve Stout Extensive background in refinery construction 25+ years experience with IBM, Sun Microsystems, WorldCom.
VP – Technology Allan L. Abbott Created 3 successful venture capital-financed high-tech companies.
Management Team Andrew Noll, VP Business Development Vincent Guerrieri, VP Business Development Stacy Hendricks, VP African Operations Keith Hall, VP Latin America / Caribbean Mark Morris, Director of Finance Mark Chaffee, VP Sustainable Development
Value Proposition $45 million investment Plant 250,000 acres of Jatropha Curcas Build 45 million gallon refinery Investment recouped in 2nd year $100 Million Profit in 3rd year
Company Needs Gold Star is seeking: Investors who want a spectacular return Biodiesel refiners who need a long-term source of feedstock with price stability.
Company Needs Gold Star is seeking: Investors who want a spectacular return Biodiesel refiners who need a long-term source of feedstock with price stability.
Any Questions?
Charles V. Fishel Gold Star Biofuels Group 98 Del Monte Ave., Suite 205 Monterey, CA T: For further information, contact: