Chapter 12 Saturn Spectacular Rings and Mysterious Moons.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 12 Saturn Spectacular Rings and Mysterious Moons

Appearance of Saturn’s rings from Earth

Saturn Saturn's surface and interior are similar to that of Jupiter. Saturn rotates rapidly with differential rotation.

Saturn’s Atmosphere

Saturn’s Interior

Circulating Cloud system as viewed by the Hubble Space Telescope

Wind Speeds on Saturn

Saturn’s Rings are less than 1 mile thick. …are composed of fragments of ice and ice-coated rock. …are made up of thousands of ringlets. … are kept in shape by shepherd satellites. … were formed by perhaps a comet passing within the Roche Limit of Saturn.

The Roche Limit

Saturn The large dark gap in Saturn's rings is called The Cassini division. Cassini division

Saturn’s Spectacular Rings

Voyager 2 flyby showing the Cassini Ring Division

Shepherd Moons keep Saturn’s rings in line

Saturn host at least 22 moons. Only 7 are spherical. Saturn’s Moons

Titan is the largest of Saturn's moons and has a rather thick atmosphere.

Titan a moon larger than the planet Mercury

Titan has an atmosphere!! The Limb Haze shown by Voyager 1 (colorized images)

Titan’s Atmosphere

Mass95.16M  Size9.45R  Density0.125D  Surface Gravity1.07g  Escape Speed36km/s Saturn Data

Saturn Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 flybys gave us data and pictures of Saturn and its moons. Video Clips