1 Isabel Trigger ACOT March 13 th, 2009 ATLAS at the LHC …and at TRIUMF CANADA’S NATIONAL LABORATORY FOR PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada LABORATOIRE NATIONAL CANADIEN POUR LA RECHERCHE EN PHYSIQUE NUCLÉAIRE ET EN PHYSIQUE DES PARTICULES Propriété d'un consortium d'universités canadiennes, géré en co-entreprise à partir d'une contribution administrée par le Conseil national de recherches Canada
2 Outline ● ATLAS and the LHC – LHC status – ATLAS detector status – ATLAS computing status ● ATLAS at TRIUMF – New hires and group evolution – Tier 1 at TRIUMF – Analysis Centre at TRIUMF 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT
3 LHC Status ● September 10 th, 2008: – Spectacular start to LHC running with beams – Accomplished in few days program expected to take months ● September 19 th, 2008: – Spectacular finish to LHC season – Shutdown for repairs, cleaning, improvements to safety and machine protection (enhanced quench protection, nΩ splice resistance detection, improved helium venting, better anchoring of magnets, …) – Expect beam again by September 2009, running until autumn 2010 to collect 200 pb -1 at 5 TeV per beam. 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT
4 LHC Repair Pictures 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT Brace magnet anchors in cold sectors to limit damage in worst case Repair in sector 3-4
5 Beam Chamonix Summary5 4/21/2015
6 ATLAS Detector 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT
7 ATLAS status – repairs and additions ● ATLAS complete and taking (mostly cosmic-ray) data since late Spring 2008 ● Shutdown is opportunity for repairs and additions: – Repair liquid argon front-end readout boards, rad-tolerant low voltage power supplies – Add “Extended Endcap” chambers to muon spectrometer (improves efficiency in barrel/endcap overlap region) – Fix gas leaks in some muon chambers including TGCs damaged by overpressure, add more safety controls – Rad-hard optical readout fibres on muon spectrometer – Refurbish tile cal electronics – Check inner detector cooling 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT
8 ATLAS repairs and additions 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT
9 ATLAS Detector: Cosmic Event 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT Cosmic ray events are used for alignment
10 ATLAS Progress – cosmic rays and single beams 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT First collimator "splash" event seen by ATLAS: event 40050, run Collimator is 140m in front of ATLAS interaction point. Beam-1 enters ATLAS from the Airport side. Beam splash in collimators used to time in subdetectors – one event worth months of cosmics or even days of collision data for this purpose Single beam data was extremely useful for timing in the whole detector
11 ATLAS Progress – cosmic rays and single beams 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT beam halo event 1450, run Tracking works, even sideways!
12 ATLAS Progress – cosmic rays and single beams ● Calorimeters do calibration / noise / ramp runs to check pedestals etc., prepare for running: – Noise looks fine, HV fine 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT
13 ATLAS Status 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT Cosmics used for alignment, calibration, cabling checks, practice… We will start taking cosmic data again in a few weeks, to gain experience running the detector.
14 LHC Computing Grid Status ● Grid active despite lack of collision data – Able to save some $ by delaying 2009 hardware purchases by 6 months ● MC production system works very well ● Data reprocessing exercised with cosmic ray data ● More user analysis jobs starting to run; also many “analysis challenge tests” ● BUT storage space is tight! 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT
15 ATLAS group at TRIUMF ● New hires in past year: – Anadi Canepa (at CERN for ) BAE – Oliver Stelzer-Chilton BAE – David Morrissey (starts by Sept. ‘09) BAE, Theory – Dominique Fortin (RA) – Ian Nugent (RA) – 2 Theory RA hires in phenomenology – Di Qing (Tier 1 Grid expert) ● New ATLAS hires mostly replacements; one new BAE position – to support ATLAS Analysis Centre at TRIUMF ● Visitors: Rob McPherson, Dave Axen, Richard Keeler, Steve Godfrey, Margret Fincke, students… ● Chris Oram away for /3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT
16 TRIUMF Group’s Role in ATLAS ● New initiatives in 2009: – Global online monitoring – Remote LAr Monitoring ● attractor for Analysis Centre ● R. McPherson is LAr data quality coordinator – Muon Spectrometer – Inner Detector alignment – Continue missing E T studies ● Tier 1 (one of 10 in the world for ATLAS): – Continues to lead in efficiency; solid innovative team – Second big hardware expansion in 2009 ● ATLAS-Canada executive: – R. McPherson Spokesperson (IPP/UVic, TRIUMF) – P. Krieger Deputy Spokesperson (Toronto) – M. Vetterli Computing Coordinator (TRIUMF/SFU) – D. O’Neil Physics Coordinator (SFU) 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT
17 ATLAS Tier 1 at TRIUMF 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT (current) 2009 (assuming quad-core, 1 TB drive)
18 R. TafiroutARW 2009, Vancouver Tier 1 Resources at TRIUMF Storage and computing capacity at TRIUMF (7% of total ATLAS): Storage and computing capacity at TRIUMF (7% of total ATLAS): 1 CPU core = 2.5 kSI2K 1 TB = 1000 gigabytes (current capacity, to double in 2009) CPU: 664 processors DISK: 900 TB (716 TB usable, RAID6) 156 TB delivered Aug.‘ TB delivered Dec. 11 ’08’ also: 30 TB (RAID5/older boxes/direct attached/pps) TAPE: 560 TB (LTO-4) Networking: 10 GigE (data traffic) 1 GigE (control traffic) SAN storage: Fiber channel (4 Gb/s) Dedicated facility (MoU) Funded by CFI/BCKDF to 2011, then moves to TRIUMF funding Integral part of next 5YP New data centre needed for 2012 and beyond Worldwide, ATLAS needs ~140 thousand Terabytes by 2012 !
19 Tier1 in 24x7 ops 6 months Worldwide Grid Production in 2008 Average T1 availabilities (6 months) 1 month TRIUMF
20 ATLAS Analysis Centre at TRIUMF ● Objectives : – a place for students & visitors to work at TRIUMF so critical mass of analysis activity based here – a place in Canada where people can come to learn ATLAS software and monitoring, do remote shifts, discuss with theorists, collaborate, host meetings… ● Much progress in on several fronts: – Physical premises: video meeting room, visitor space ● Occupants relocated, furniture ordered, reno imminent – Initiatives: co-organizing LHC theory workshops coinciding with ATLAS-Canada meetings – Personnel: see list of new hires – Local “Tier 3” computing purchased: ● 2 x dual-quad core 2.66 GHz processors and 20 TB storage 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT
21 ATLAS Analysis Centre at TRIUMF 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT Move partition to create well- lit visitor office space and video meeting room Work in progress…
22 ATLAS Goals at TRIUMF for 2009 ● Tier 1 Centre will continue growth to follow computing model, provide efficient 24/7 service across large expansion of hardware, and support the Canadian Tier 2 sites as they also expand ● Analysis Centre to begin to attract students and visitors, integrate theorists, raise profile as a useful resource within ATLAS-Canada 2009/3/13I. Trigger - ATLAS - ACOT
4004 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 2A3 Tel: Fax: We are looking forward to having data to analyze by the autumn! Thank you for your attention.