Morpheme Triangles & Meaning Maps Created by Jessica Mitchell
Use morpheme triangles when word has 3 morphemes Present tense To past tense + shouted across + transfer + transplant ? trance + transit + translate + trans-Atlantic + nodded + walked + kicked Trans –port-ed ? edit + sped + balanced To move + port + portable + Portland ? Portugal ? sport + import + export + porter
Dis-re-spect-ful Use morpheme rectangles when word has 4 morphemes + spectacle + spectator + spectacular + special ? species + spectacles + retell + replay + reposition ? reptile + retool To do again To view seriously Dis-re-spect-ful + hateful + wrongful + wonderful + beautiful ? fulcrum + disagree ? distance + discover + disallow ? dissing me Take or remove To be full of Click Lessons to find: Search morpheme matchups and select handout *Other morphology and vocabulary activities can be found here.
In the center write target word. Meaning Maps In the center write target word. Target word Branch examples and important information about word off of the center circle. Target word example
Research Winters, R. (2009). Interactive Frames for Vocabulary Growth and Word Consciousness. Reading Teacher, 62(8), 685-690. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Dalton, B., & Grisham, D. L. (2011). eVoc Strategies: 10 Ways to Use Technology to Build Vocabulary. Reading Teacher, 64(5), 306-317. doi:10.1598/RT.64.5.1 Steele, S., & Mills, M. (2011). Vocabulary intervention for school-age children with language impairment: A review of evidence and good practice. Child Language Teaching & Therapy, 27(3), 354-370. doi:10.1177/0265659011412247.Retrieved from EBSCOhost.