Les 9, 10 et 11 septembre 2011 Au Complexe Sportif Mohamed V The greatest international tournament of Futsal ever organized in Morocco. tournament to approve by: Casablanca Futsal Cup
Events Various possibilities for the residences Futsal The sport of tomorrow The Service Futsal It is faster, more technical and more spectacular than football In the most beautiful room of Morocco Tourisme* Possible visit of Casablanca
Casablanca Futsal Cup FUTSAL: THE SPORT OF TOMORROW Popular and universal sport Professional sport in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Russia, Ukraine, England, Argentina, Brazil… bachelors UEFA in Europe Faster, more technical and more spectacular than football Ronaldinho, Ronaldo and the majority of the current icons of world Football started with this sport
Casablanca Futsal Cup In 1 exceptional framework 20 teams coming from all the countries With many batches with gained
Casablanca Futsal Cup Hôtel Volubilis The Complex Bourgogne Médico- sportsman Or
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