© 2008 David Coyote David Coyote’s Den Presents Warty and The Princess in Hawai’i Slides advance at 30 second intervals, or by clicking anywhere on the screen.
© 2008 David Coyote The News Readers: Warty recently returned from his first Hawai`ian vacation. He and the Princess took a break in routines to explore and enjoy the Big Island. They took me with them. Here...Warty will tell you all about it:
© 2008 David Coyote Day One I heard voices calling me across windblown Pacific waves.... "Warty...we're waiting...the spirits of Hawai`i call you to their shores. Hurry! Board your swift ocean canoe...set sail. Our alohas await your royal presence." I have excellent hearing. Warty
© 2008 David Coyote Some of you may find this hard to believe but I envisioned these shores...the palms and balmy skies...and knew I must follow their call. After discussing this with the Princess, we booked a flight to the Big Island, the largest of the seven main Hawai`ian islands. I suppose that's why they call it the Big Island. Oh...yes, by the way...we took the other guy along to record historic events as they unfolded. Hawai`i awaited. I heeded her call.
© 2008 David Coyote California weather was cold and blustery when the plane left the coast behind. Five hours and a silly in-flight movie later we landed on what I can only describe as my deserved place in the sun. Actually, it had been sprinkling and was quite windy, but we rented a car and pleasant smiling people soon had our bags in our room. I was most pleased that the hotel had anticipated my needs and reserved a room befitting my reputation and expectations. Adorning me with fragrant plumeria leis, the darling girls quickly made my heart flutter. (I didn't, so don't you mention that to the Princess!)
© 2008 David Coyote The spectacular view from our room matched my earlier visions. Some, such as I, are endowed with prescient senses. (It's understandable that others are impressed ) Anyway, we strolled through tropical gardens and spent the late afternoon nibbling delicious tropical fruits. I must say that the folks kept the place just so. Look at these colorful gardens.
© 2008 David Coyote The next morning we dined on the resort's lanai, and I must tell you they put out a spread! I was tempted to eat more than one should, but naturally ate only until I was full! (Smile. That's humor.) I'll never know why, but the Princess took this picture of the other guy when he wasn't looking. I made him sit at a nearby table so he wouldn't dominate breakfast conversation. (Petulant human. How he does go on when he has a chance!)
© 2008 David Coyote Anyway, I suppose I need not criticize. It's a matter of genes, is it not?. He can only do what nature allows. But back to the reason for the news. Me. The Princess and I went down to the beach and had the nice people set up a cabana for us. What wonderful inventions...two chaise lounges under a folding blue canvas canopy...a prefect way to avoid getting too much sun. One might never guess, but we have rather sensitive skin on our noses. I didn't want mine burned. And that's my room...5th floor, far left.
© 2008 David Coyote Will you just look at that white coral sand. We napped and snacked and napped some more. I could get good at that without much practice. They not only had cabanas, they had hammocks. I did try out one but the design was seriously flawed. It took me five minutes to get out of this mess!
© 2008 David Coyote It wasn't long before I was 'discovered' by some authentic Hawai`ians who instantly recognized my Alii genes. They followed at a respectful distance (not allowing their shadows to fall upon me) while regaling me with tales of ancesteral adventures. You know, it's a good thing that I'm used to being adored. Whenever I stopped to gaze out to sea, they sat and silently waited for my insightful observations. Of which I had many.
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