What are Birds? Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question.
All birds have feathers.
Feathers come in spectacular colors.
Bird feathers are called plumage.
All birds have feathers,
but not all birds can fly. A penguin has flippers instead of wings.
A penguin flies through the water instead of the sky.
An ostrich has feathers, but can not fly.
An ostrich uses its strong legs to run very fast.
All birds have feathers. Their feathers and bones are hollow so they are very light.
Birds have a hard beak instead of teeth.
Each beak has adapted to the type of food each bird eats. This bird stabs fish for dinner.
These birds eat seeds for dinner.
The eagle eats meat for dinner.
Birds lay eggs.
Baby birds hatch out and say, “FEED ME!”
Big birds lay big eggs OSTRICH EGG HUMMING BIRD and tiny birds lay tiny eggs.
Birds first took to the air 150 million years ago.
Scientists think that birds are descended from dinosaurs.
Many animals can fly. Many animals lay eggs. But only birds have feathers!
QUIZ 1.What do birds have that no other animals have? ___________________________ 2.Name a bird that does not fly. ________ 3.Why are beaks different shapes?______ 4.What is plumage? _________________ 5.How are baby birds born? ___________