BY Nate
SCINI stands for submersible capable of under ice navigation and imaging. SCINI can go under the ice and swim through the ocean floor and go places humans can’t. SCINI goes down below the ice and takes pictures of the ocean floor and life. Also SCINI takes pictures of the ocean floor to see changes in the ocean.
SCINI can dive up to 800 feet below the ice! In the picture the blue is the ice they have drilled to get to the water. There are some problems with diving the pressure can crush SCINI so they have to be careful.
Bob and his team do there work in Antarctica. They go out and drill a hole to fit SCINI’s body through a small hole and do annual dives every year.
SCINI is a robot on a mission. SCINI is a remote controlled vehicle that dives under the ice cap to view ocean a remote controlled vehicle
SCINI is looking at life and anything under the ice. SCINI shows anything that the camera faces. It is very interesting because of how the fish respond and it is very spectacular to watch.
Bob Zook a scientist and engineer. He is part of the team who designed and works with SCINI. He helped design the ROV named SCINI.
A special thanks too my scientist BOB ZOOK. content/uploads/2008/10/dsc_8489.jpg