Communications Disaster Preparedness: Bureau Overview and Priority Services Tim Peterson Chief of Staff Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau Federal Communications Commission
Communications Disaster Preparedness PSHSB’s Mission Promote safety of life and property through the use of communications services by— Policies—developing those that enhance public safety communications Activities—supporting emergency preparedness and response Clearinghouse—resources and information
Communications Disaster Preparedness PSHSB’s Key Priorities Public Safety Outreach Critical Infrastructure Emergency Preparedness and Response Continuity of Operations (COOP)
Communications Disaster Preparedness Public Safety Policy Initiatives Spectrum (e.g., 700 MHz and 800 MHz) Public Alert and Warning (e.g., EAS) WARN Act 9/11 Act CALEA E911
Communications Disaster Preparedness Priority Services COMM Plan Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS) Wireless Priority Service (WPS) Priority Services are key components of any Communications Plan.
Communications Disaster Preparedness Priority Services—Policy and Implementation The FCC makes the policy and sets the rules for TSP and WPS The National Communications System (NCS), a part of DHS, manages TSP and WPS The NCS manages GETS
Communications Disaster Preparedness Priority Services National Security Leadership National Security Posture and U.S. Population Attack Warning Public Health, Safety, and Maintenance of Law and Order Public Welfare and Maintenance of National Economic Posture Organizations that support one or more of the listed National Security /Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) mission areas, qualify to use priority services.
Communications Disaster Preparedness Priority Services—GETS Timothy Peterson FCC-PSHSB
9 Communications Disaster Preparedness Cards are Free Can be used in combination with WPS Other callers not dropped from queue 75 cents per call Disaster Experience: 95% Completion Rate Priority Services—GETS
Communications Disaster Preparedness Priority Services—WPS Subscription-based for each user: no PIN required *272 access code + destination number Can be used in combination with GETS to receive priority over both landline and wireless systems Activation does not bump other callers from queue $10 enrollment fee; $4.50 per month; 75 cents per call DHS grants cover WPS costs
Communications Disaster Preparedness Priority Services—TSP A provisioning priority is obtained to facilitate the priority installation of new telecomm services in a shorter than normal interval Cannot be used to compensate for inadequate planning A restoration priority is applied to new or existing telecomm services to ensure restoration before other non-TSP circuits Must be requested and assigned before a service outage occurs Rates set in most instances by State tariffs
Communications Disaster Preparedness Priority Services—TSP Facts Twenty-three states have zero 911 circuits protected Three states—MA, TX, and WA—account for more than 70% of all TSP 911 circuits Almost 88% of all TSP 911 circuits are within ten states DC has more TSP 911 circuits than 45 states DHS grants covers TSP costs
13 Communications Disaster Preparedness TSP Enrollment Identify critical NS/EP services Work with Carrier on Circuit ID Notify NCS and Request Federal Sponsorship (FCC sponsors State Commissions) Receive TSP Authorization Code from NCS Notify Service Provider of Code Service Provider Establishes TSP service
Communications Disaster Preparedness
Tim Peterson Chief of Staff Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau Federal Communications Commission (desk) or (mobile)