Adapting to new technologies - PDA and wireless Mary Peterson RAH/IMVS Library
Outline zBackground - setting the scene zNew technologies zImplications for libraries
Background zInstitute of Medical & Veterinary Science yPathology laboratory & research institute yhttp:// zRoyal Adelaide Hospital yTeaching hospital affiliated with University of Adelaide yhttp://
Our users: zClinicians (doctors, nurses, allied health) zResearchers (academics, laboratory scientists) zStudents on clinical placement zDiagnostic laboratory staff statewide
Types of question zClinical - urgent / immediate zResearch zManagement/ financial/ business zPolitical
Types of information zQuick look-up ypoint of care yward / office ylibrary zLiterature search yoffice ylibrary yfrom home zJournal article zBook
Evidence-based practice zCochrane Collaboration zNetting the Evidence yhttp:// zMay become mandatory in Australia
New technologies: zLaptops zTablets zHand-held devices (PDAs) zWireless
Tablet used in wireless trial Tablet photo Tablet photo
iPAQ (Compaq / HP)
Why PDAs? zEasy to use zSmall and portable zWireless network connection possible zDownloads possible
What are they used for? zDiary zAddress book z (live or synchronised) ze-book reader zMulti-media zWireless connections zPhone
Where can they be used? zLibrary zWard office / nurses’ station zPatient’s bedside zOperating theatres (?) zWorkshops zEngineering plants zStores
Disadvantages of PDAs: zMulitple operating systems (Palm / PC) zDevices easy to steal zCulture change requires re-training zResistance to change zCost of implementation (BYO) zSlow connect times for wireless (56Kb/sec) zSecurity problems for data
Implications for libraries: zWhere does the library fit in? zWhich products suitable for use with PDAs? zDoes this mean extra work? y(Sorry - yes!)
Our products: zDrug databases *** zPrescribing aids *** zDictionaries *** zTextbooks ** zDatabases (Cochrane, Medline)* zFull-text linked to above zIndividual journal subscription
Wireless or download? zTextbooks (depends on size) zDrug databases – currency zLocation zSuitable format / screen display for chosen device
Drug look-up database – web page
Harrison’s PIM front page
Harrison’s full contents page
What’s been happening: zCare Connect & OACIS - Sth Aust government hospitals z4 years’ worth of records z2 million patients zMobile Medic – wireless iPaqs with internet yPilot in 4 renal units
This is being replaced …
… by this!
Wireless transmitter (trial)
Recharging / re-imaging
Results so far: zClinicians want ySpeed yFlexibility zFavorite products: yQuick look-up tools yJournal of Family Practice 2001 Nov; 50(11): 960-5
Role of the library: zAdvice on content (collection development) ybeware of free stuff from the internet! zWebsite – small-screen version zTraining zSupport information e.g. webpage on PDAs yhttp:// ml y zUser group
What to do next? zPrepare for wireless! yOptimise websites (graphics) yLinks point to PDA URL zBecome familiar with the devices zBecome familiar with how they’re used zBe prepared to buy your own
Our conclusions: zPalm or Windows? yBoth - maybe even more zWireless vs. download: yPlace for both - (Depends on setting) zDon’t panic! yThey’re just another way of delivering information
Adapting to new technologies - PDA and wireless Mary Peterson RAH/IMVS Library