The Role of Wraparound within School-wide Positive Behavior Support Rob Horner University of Oregon
Main Messages Problem behavior remains among the most challenging barriers to effective education School-wide PBS (with all three tiers) is proving to be both practical and effective at building the positive social cultures that support educational gains. Addressing the behavior support needs of those students with the most intense needs is part of school-wide PBS. Wraparound is part of the support approach, and requires not just effective process, but administrative coordination.
Problem Behavior Remains Among the Most Challenging Barriers to Effective Education
The Challenge Lack of discipline is viewed as one of the most serious challenges facing public schools National Education Goals Report (1995) Teachers report that “uncivil” behavior is increasing and is a threat to effective learning Skiba and Peterson, (2000) There is a link between general level of disruptive behavior and more extreme acts of violence Skiba and Peterson, (2000)
The Challenge 7.4% of students surveyed reported that they had been threatened or injured by a weapon during the past year. 4% reported that they missed at least one day of school because they felt unsafe. Center for Disease Control’s Center for Injury Prevention and Control (1997)
Intermediate/senior high school with 880 students reported over 5,100 office discipline referrals in one academic year. Nearly 2/3 of students have received at least one office discipline referral.
Characteristics of Safe School Center for Study & Prevention of Youth Violence High academic expectations & performance High levels of parental & community involvement Effective leadership by administrators & teachers A few clearly understood & uniformly enforced, rules Social skills instruction, character education & good citizenship. After school – extended day programs
Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT
3% 8% 89% 10% 16% 74% 11% 18% 71% K=6 (N = 1010) 6-9 (N = 312) 9-12 (N = 104) Mean Proportion of Students ODR rates vary by level
K-6 (N = 1010) 6-9 (N = 312) 9-12 (N = 104) 32% 43% 25% 48% 37% 15% 45% 40% 15% A few kids get many ODRs
84% 58% 11% 22% 05% 20% SWPBS schools are more preventive
88%69% 08% 17% 04% 14% SWPBS schools are more preventive
(n = 201) Michigan: Distribution of Elementary Reading Intervention Level Reading Intervention Level (based on DIBELS) 24% 33% 43% 56% 24% 20% (n = 4074) Dr. Steve Goodman Kent Miora Amanda Jorge
Major Discipline Referrals per 100 Students by Cohort n = 18 n = 8 Without PBS With PBS
Participating School Example: Fourth Grade Reading MEAP Results Began MiBLSi Implementation
Messages Problem behavior and academic success are linked. Problem behavior is a major concern for families, teachers and students Problem behavior patterns can change
What is School-wide Positive Behavior Support? School-wide PBS is: ▫A systems approach for establishing the social culture and behavioral supports needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for all students. Evidence-based features of SW-PBS ▫Prevention ▫Define and teach positive social expectations ▫Acknowledge positive behavior ▫Arrange consistent consequences for problem behavior ▫On-going collection and use of data for decision-making ▫Continuum of intensive, individual intervention supports. ▫Implementation of the systems that support effective practices
School-wide PBS Universal Systems of SupportSecondary/ Tertiary Systems Define behavioral expectations Teach behavioral expectations Reward/acknowledge appropriate behavior Continuum of consequences for problem behavior Collection and use of data for decision-making Early intervention Increased daily structure Increased adult feedback Functional Behavioral Assessment Person-centered planning ___________________ Family support Medical support Academic support Social support Behavioral support
Scott & Eber (2003) Functional Assessment and Wraparound as Systemic School Processes (Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 5(3) ) “The principles of wraparound and FBA are both present and linked at every level of PBS, providing consistent collaboration and analyses across settings, time, and individuals. While each process traditionally has been conceived of in narrow, and often divergent terms, the underlying concepts are closely related.” p. 142
Community School Family Student Wraparound within School-wide PBS
Implementing Wraparound Establishing a school-wide positive social culture makes wraparound more effective Wraparound success starts with core administrative decisions ▫Systems variables matter
ISBE Profile Assessment Define “interventions” ▫Level of Intervention School-wide Targeted Individual (targeted) Wrapround ▫Assess level of Effectiveness Very High; High; Medium; Low; Very Low; NA
N=223 N=169 N=38 N=17N=169 N=223 N=17 N=38 t = (335) p<.0001t = 2.30 (27) p <.03
Administrative Decisions Matter Effective practices succeed only in supportive administrative contexts.
Consider the Administrative Role in Making Wraparound Available Establish expectation/commitment Available Specialists Team composition Leah Benazzi Leah Benazzi Time for meetings/ Assessment Resources for implementation Data systems ▫Screening (at least twice per year) ▫Monitoring implementation (are interventions used?) ▫Monitoring impact
Summary Wraparound is a process that works Wraparound combines the best of what we know about family involvement, mental health, educational intervention, and behavior support. Wraparound is more effective when implemented in context with school-wide PBS Wraparound depends are administrative decisions as much as on the clinical skills of interventionists