Team says Peterson won't play. According to a statement from the team early Wednesday, running back Adrian Peterson will not play for the Minnesota Vikings.


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Presentation transcript:

Team says Peterson won't play

According to a statement from the team early Wednesday, running back Adrian Peterson will not play for the Minnesota Vikings until his legal issues are resolved. The team had earlier said that Peterson, who is facing a child abuse charge, would practice this week and could play in Sunday's game against the New Orleans Saints. Now however, the team said Peterson has been placed on the NFL's Exempt/Commissioner's Permission list, which will require him to "remain away from all team activities.""While we were trying to make a balanced decision (Monday), after further reflection we have concluded that this resolution is best for the Vikings and for Adrian," said a statement from owners Zygi and Mark Wilf. "We want to be clear: we have a strong stance regarding the protection and welfare of children, and we want to be sure we get this right."Peterson is considered one of the best running backs in the NFL -- if not the best. In addition to the impact on his football career, he will face a preliminary court hearing on October 8. According to Texas law (which is where Peterson lives), people can be convicted of injury to a child if they cause bodily or mental injury "intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or with criminal negligence" or cause such harm by omission. The crime is punishable by up to two years in a state jail and a $1,000 fine. Peterson defended himself on Monday, saying he is "not a perfect parent, but I am, without a doubt, not a child abuser."

In Other News Politicians are making their final pleas to Scottish voters Wednesday, the last day of campaigning before they head to the polls to vote on independence. Opinion polls put the two sides neck-and- neck ahead of Thursday's historic referendum, which could see Scotland split from the United Kingdom. The latest poll of polls, released Wednesday by ScotCen, an independent research center, shows "no" at 51% and "yes" at 49%, with "don't know" voters excluded. It is consistent with results over the past week or so, which have indicated the race is too close to call. Polls suggest around 8% of voters remain undecided, making their votes crucial to deciding the outcome of the referendum. More than 4.2 million people have registered to vote, the largest electorate ever in Scotland. Any registered voter aged 16 or over who is a resident in Scotland is entitled to cast a ballot. They will be asked the yes/no question: Should Scotland be an independent country? If Scotland decides to leave the United Kingdom, it leaves behind England, Wales and Northern Ireland. South Korean marines detained an American man on the bank of a river bordering North Korea late Tuesday. The marines were on a regular patrol mission west of Seoul when they caught the man by the Han River in an area where it divides North and South Korea. The official said Wednesday that the U.S. citizen was being interrogated by "relevant South Korean officials," and that it was not immediately whether he had been trying to cross into North Korea. Americans are allowed to travel to North Korea, notably by plane from Beijing, although the U.S. State Department warns citizens against all travel to the authoritarian state led by Kim Jong Un. It's forbidden, however, to cross from South Korea into North Korea. Alibaba (a group of Internet-based e-commerce businesses) is about to complete what could be the largest initial public offering in history. By all accounts demand for the shares is huge. A man who owns an upstate New York food store funded ISIS, tried to send jihadists to Syria to fight with the terrorist group and plotted to do some killing himself -- by gunning down U.S. troops who had served in Iraq -- federal authorities alleged Tuesday. Mufid A. Elfgeeh, 30, was arrested on May 31, though federal officials didn't outline the case against him until Tuesday. According to an indictment, he faces three counts of trying "to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization" (namely, ISIS), one count of attempting to kill officers and employees of the United States, two counts of having an unregistered firearm silencer and one for possessing guns "in furtherance of a crime of violence."