Library information resources on PDA Mary Peterson Royal Adelaide Hospital / Inst. Of Medical & Veterinary Science
Outline Mobile computers / PDAs Resources for mobile devices Suitable information resources Management issues Technical Legal (licensing)
Mobile computers PDAs E-book readers Tablets Laptop computers Wireless
What are they used for? Diary Address book (live or synchronised) e-book reader Multi-media Wireless connections Phone
Why are they popular? Easy to use Small and portable Wireless network connection possible Downloads possible
Key points in health care: harnesses point of care energy spike fresh in mind info integrated into decision-making prevents mistakes e.g. alerts for drug interactions
Information resources: Drug databases *** Prescribing aids *** Dictionaries *** Textbooks ** Databases (Cochrane, Medline)* Full-text linked to above Individual journal subscription
Management issues: Technical Legal (licensing)
Technical issues - hardware Operating systems Docking stations Wireless range Types of device Who buys them?
Technical issues – software Operating systems Software download versions Network software & support Web windows Javascript Multiple windows Create PDA-friendly website? Download / syncing time
Licensing issues Institutional subscription No downloads for PDA Vendor hesitation No pricing model Consortia No pricing model
Conclusions Can be very useful Have some limitations
Library information resources on PDA Mary Peterson Royal Adelaide Hospital / Inst. Of Medical & Veterinary Science