Nonpublic School Service Updates April 3, 2014
Presenters Regina Lukich, Consultant Karl Koenig, Consultant Office of Federal Programs
Nonpublic Service Discussion Topics
What’s NEW? Ohio’s Timeline for LEA Consultation with Nonpublic School officials Clarification of Nonpublic Qualifying Student Data
Nonpublic Equitable Funding Concerns Ed Flexibility Waiver Nonpublic HQT Documentation
What’s NEW with the Nonpublic School Service System?
Confirmation s Participation Form Sign-Off
NonPublic NonPublic Message: NonPublic Contact: Suber, Veronica The status of a participation form with Akron City(043489) and your nonpublic has changed. Please review the form and complete any necessary steps to ensure the status of the form is Final. Nonpublic Confirmation Message
Public Public Message: District Contact: Hoynes, Jacqueline The status of a participation form with Emmanuel Christian Academy(120865) and your district has changed. Please review the form and complete any necessary steps to ensure the status of the form is Public Confirmation Message
Ohio’s Timeline for Nonpublic School Service Open – March 10, 2014 Deadline – May 16, 2014 Reference: CCIP Doc Library Ohio’s timeline for district consultation with Nonpublic School Officials
Ohio’s Timeline for LEA Consultation with Nonpublic School officials April/May Verify Student Enrollment Initial Consultation w/Nonpublic Officials Annual Evaluation Reported
Ohio’s Timeline for LEA Consultation with Nonpublic School officials May/June Participation Form Sign-Off for “Final” Status Complete the Nonpublic Consultation Guide
Ohio’s Timeline for LEA Consultation with Nonpublic School officials June/July Set completion dates Complete the consultation guides July/August Validate nonpublic service amounts Plan for Fall nonpublic service
Ohio’s Timeline for LEA Consultation with Nonpublic School officials August/September Verify qualifying student enrollment Validate equitable service amounts September/October Begin services/contracted Services Document highly qualified teacher/attestation
Ohio’s Timeline for LEA Consultation with Nonpublic School officials October/November Document Title I annual meeting Parent/Teacher/Student compact Multi-Criteria Assessment November/December Academic Progress Reporting
Qualifying Student Enrollment Title I Economically & Academically Eligible Title III Limited English Proficient/Immigrant IDEA Individual Service Plans
Nonpublic Enrollment When do we identify and verify nonpublic student counts? 1
Nonpublic Enrollment Data Evaluate for Individual Service Plans Use Limited English Proficient/immigrant qualifiers Validate the low income and academically eligible students
Nonpublic Enrollment What are the responsibilities of the public school district to assess and qualify students for service? 2
Qualifying Students for Title I Academic Eligibility: Provide an academic scoring system with a maximum score for serving Title I students; and Low Income: Use school year household low income information
Title III-Limited English Proficient
Students home/native language is not English Level of proficiency in English is such that not effectively able to participate in classrooms Title III Limited English Proficient
Limited English proficient students are identified through a formal English Language Proficiency Assessment Title III Limited English Proficient
Title III Immigrant Students 3 through 21 years old Born in any State of the United States Not attending one or more schools in the U.S. for more than three full academic years
Title III Immigrant Students, Non-Limited English Proficient Students who are immigrants, but are not Limited English proficient students
Eligible Students with Disabilities Total nonpublic students with disabilities count: Students in the school district’s attendance area with served or unserved Individual Education Plans and/or Individual Service Plans.
Eligible Students with Disabilities Student Count Include: Jon Peterson Scholarship Grant Autism Scholarship Program
Nonpublic Enrollment Could multiple services be provided to the nonpublic school students and what does this mean for Nonpublic School Service System (NS3) enrollment data? 3
Multiple Services Qualifying Nonpublic Students could be duplicated in qualifying enrollment data: Title I Title III Limited English Proficient and Immigrant IDEA-Part B Special Education
Administrative Costs Administrative costs charged off from nonpublic school service amounts are not permitted.
Transferability School districts can transfer up to 100% of its Title II-A program funds into Title I, Part A. Nonpublic consultation is required before the district makes decisions about transferability of federal funds.
Transferability Nonpublic has choices: 1.) continue to support professional development activities currently in place, leaving Title II-A funding budgeted in the nonpublic school service area; or
Transferability Nonpublic has choices: 2.) participate in the transfer of Title II-A into Title I for expanded intervention student services.
Highly Qualified Teacher Requirements for Nonpublic Services
School District Personnel File Requirements Annual updates of Highly Qualified Teacher worksheets from: Ohio’s Teacher Toolkit - Forms A-F Other validation documents include: College Transcripts Para Pro Test Score License/Permit Assignments – Academic Subjects and Grade levels assigned
Highly Qualified Teacher Requirements for Nonpublic School Service Title I supplemental academic teachers and paraprofessionals (contracted or hired) must meet the Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Requirements
Title I Parent Notifications Parents Right to Know – Section 1111(h): Notification to parents of Title I – served schools Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers.
Services Provided for Nonpublic Schools
Services may be provided by: 1.An employee of Public District; or 2.Contracted services with: Individual Agency Provider Contract Terms and Conditions number of students served hours worked academic progress
Service Contract Process District Requirements Procurement Procedures Bidding Process - if exceeds small purchase threshold of $25,000 Meet Highly Qualified Teacher Requirements
Optional Title I Set Asides to Eliminate for Equitable Service Calculation Administrative Salary Differential Other
Optional Title I Set Asides Eliminated when calculating Equitable Nonpublic School Service Amount
Equitable Title I Set Asides Professional Development Parent Involvement
What if the Enrollment data is inaccurate after May 16, 2014? Update the following: Participation Form comments log Public and Nonpublic Officials confirm data Consultation Guide service data Confirmation in the CCIP History Log
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