Peterson Consulting, Inc. Paul J. Yoder and Karen Lange 2012 Annual Legislative Report to the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors Peterson Consulting, Inc. Paul J. Yoder and Karen Lange
2012-13 State Budget Predicated on Proposition 30 passing $6 billion in trigger cuts (mainly affecting schools) to take effect if Prop. 30 does not pass Realignment super-structure was included in budget, locking in funding for three years
Delta and Water SB 1278 (Wolk) / 1965 (Pan) AB 1095 (Buchanan) AB 2000 (Huber) AB 2421 and AB 2422 (Berryhill) SB 200 (Wolk) Work with Delta Coalition Work with Delta Counties Coalition
Healthcare Special Session expected for later this fall or early 2013 to address Federal Healthcare Reform Immunization bills
Pension Reform As proposed in AB 340, all counties in California are impacted except the City and County of SF, as they are a charter with an independent retirement system Most features ONLY apply to future employees 50-50 share for new employees effective immediately, for existing employees by 2018 Establishes a cap on the amount of compensation that can be used to calculate a retirement benefit ($110,100) for employees who participate in Social Security, or 120% of that limit ($132,120) if they do not participate in Social Security Prohibits an employer from offering a defined benefit (DB) plan, or combination of DB plans, on compensation in excess of the compensation cap
Pension Reform Tightens definition of “new employee” 2% at age 62 for all new non-safety employees, excluding teachers. The earliest an employee would be eligible to retire is age 52 with a 1% factor and the maximum retirement factor of 2.5% is provided at age 67 For public safety: 2% at age 57 (basic plan); 2.5% at age 57 (safety option plan one); and 2.7% at age 57 (safety option plan 2) Requires that final compensation be defined for all new employees as the highest average annual compensation over a three-year period
Pension Reform Eliminates “air-time” and other non-salaried benefits used to increase final compensation Limits the maximum salary used to calculate retirement to IRS limits Prohibits post-retirement employment from exceeding 960 hours in a consecutive 12 month period. If a retiree receives unemployment benefits, he or she is prohibited from working for 12 months as a retiree for a public employer Felons lose their pensions if the felony is committed in the course of their official duties
November 2012 11 initiatives National election Funding for realignment protections
Peterson Consulting, Inc. Questions? Paul J. Yoder and Karen Lange Legislative Advocates Shaw / Yoder / Antwih, Inc. and Peterson Consulting, Inc. 1415 “L” Street Suite #1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 441-4424