1 Kincare Positive Outcomes For Children and Caregivers Rick Peterson & Dorothy Perkins
2 Learning Objectives: Learn about: –Risk and Protective Factors for children –Risk and Protective Factors at different levels. –Their impact on children and care givers –Discuss common kincare issues and concerns.
3 What are Risk Factors? Risk Factors are variables associated with poor outcomes for children. Examples: Poverty Marital or Family Conflict Challenging Behaviors, ADHD
4 Multiple Risk Factors Exposure to any combination of three or more risk factors may increase the risk and thus the possibility of a poor outcome for the child. 3 or more
5 What are Protective Factors? Protective Factors are conditions or qualities related to positive outcomes for children. Examples: Safe and pleasant neighborhood Structured and nurturing family No emotional or temperamental impairments
6 Which are more important Risk or Protective Factors Both are important Both play an important role in a child’s development Reduce the risk Increase the protective
7 True or False? Risk factors are more predictive of children’s outcome than are protective factor? Answer: False We know that risks lead to problems but we know far less about why some people, in the face of adversity and against the odds, develop into well-functioning and relatively health adults.
8 Youth Risk and Protective Levels Individual Family Friends School Work Community YOUTH PARENTS FRIENDS TEACHERS KINCAR E SCHOOL COMMUNITY WORK
9 Kincare Risk and Protective Levels Individual Family Friends Work Agency Community INDIVIDUAL FAMILY FRIENDS COMMUNITY WORKAGENCY
10 What Can Care Givers Do Become aware of children's risk and protective factors at the individual, family, school and community levels. Become aware of your own risk and protective factors at the individual, family, work, agency and community levels. Focus on protective factors or processes that help bring about positive changes for children. Promote and build your own self care and family strengths that foster resiliency in children.
11 Kincare Important Issues Realistic expectations of grandchildren –Stages of Development Guidance and Discipline –Supervision & Consistency Support for learning, homework, schoolwork Patience
12 Kincare Important Issues Communication with other family members –Parental participation –Relationship with other grandchildren Advocacy and education of others about Kincare issues Money Health care Housing Legal issues
13 Kincare Important Issues in Assuming a Parental Role Again Self Care Limits on own social role, isolation Awareness of own health/mental health Develop a sense of humor Ask for and receive help –Respite –Support Group
14 Importance of Kincare Support Groups Share burdens and problems Share coping strategies Gain new information
15 Kincare Value to Children Communicates unconditional love Supplies a tie to the past Shares values and philosophies Transmits heritage and culture Provides companion time Provides a sense of worth Serves as an example of later life stages
16 Take Home Message Never under estimate the power you have to make a difference in a child’s life.
17 Issues and Concerns Discussion