Johns Hopkins Alumni Association Volunteer Orientation
Nine Schools, One Johns Hopkins Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering Carey Business School School of Education Bloomberg School of Public Health Nitze School of Advanced International Studies School of Nursing School of Medicine Peabody Institute
Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association and Alumni Council
Alumni Council 2009–2010 Divisional Representation: Percent of Total Alumni vs. Percent of Council Members Total On AC Arts & Sciences29%36% Engineering18%18% Business12%9% SAIS9%3% Public Health10%8% Education9%6% Medicine5%10% Nursing4%4% Peabody4%6% Alumni Council – Divisional Representation
Alumni Council Geographic Representation
The Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association Strategic Plan
Alum ni Association Mission The mission of the Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association is to enrich the alumni experience and foster beneficial relationships in the Johns Hopkins community.
Current Challenge Increase alumni awareness, engagement, and commitment
Core Values: Excellence Lifelong Relationships Lifelong Learning Inclusiveness & Diversity Global Citizenship Advocacy Johns Hopkins Pride
Strategic Goals Increase involvement in alumni activities Foster lifelong intellectual and personal growth through Hopkins-sponsored programs Develop meaningful relationships between and among students and alumni Enhance the visibility of and expand the effectiveness of the Alumni Council Build a comprehensive communication strategy Turn alumni affinity into service and advocacy for Johns Hopkins
Alumni Council Mission The mission of the Alumni Council is to promote the mission of the Alumni Association. The mission of the Alumni Council will be carried out by: functioning as the governing body of the Alumni Association, providing feedback to the University, seeking to strengthen both the quality and quantity of alumni connections with the University, acting as a unifier and fostering a university-wide perspective, providing professional and personal networking opportunities for alumni and students, and preparing current students for their role as alumni, encouraging in them an enduring spirit of loyalty to Johns Hopkins.
Alumni Council Structure Steering Committee President, Geraldine Peterson, Nursing ’64 First Vice President, Ray Snow, Krieger ’70 Second Vice President, Terri Lynn McBride, SAIS ’01 Secretary, Jay Lenrow, Krieger ’73, SAIS ’73 Treasurer, Cecilia Lenk, Whiting ’76
Alumni Council Structure Executive Committee 5 Officers 6 Committee Chairs 9 Divisional Alumni Representatives 9 Non-voting Student Representatives
Standing Committees Alumni Benefits and Services Awards and Nominations Lifelong Learning Marketing and Communications Social and Career Networking Student Grants and Programs
Standing Committees Policy & Long-range Planning Ad hoc Committee on Alumni Leadership Development
Regional & Affinity Alumni Groups and Chapters 23 Chapters in the U.S. 20 International Chapters 1 Corporate Group - Northrop Grumman Society of Black Alumni
Divisional Alumni Organizations Second Decade Society (A&S) Society of Engineering Alumni Society of Alumni (Bloomberg) The Nurses’ Alumni Association The Peabody Chapter of the JHU AA Dean’s Alumni Advisory Board (Carey) Medical Surgical Society
Resources and Funding Alumni Association Dues Affinity Credit Card Royalties Miscellaneous Affinity Royalties Central & Divisional Alumni Relations Staff Alumni Relations Offices Alumni Board Room