Breeona Sue Marii Farris December 27 th 2013
St.Mary’s Cottonwood Hospital What to pack in diaper bag: o Diapers o Wipes o Outfits o Camera o Socks o Mittens & Hats
5pounds 9ounces 22inches long
Breonan’s Family: Mother: Megan Peterson 1 st Big Brother: Jacey Lycan 2end Big Brother: Riley Lycan Mema: Sandy Peterson Papa: Gregory Peterson
Bree slept a lot, 1 st week home. Bringing home baby….
5 months old and eating…. o Sweet potatoes o Bananas o Veggie puffs o Fruit puffs o Peas o Carrots o Baby rice cereal o Baby banana oatmeal o Mashed potatoes o Fruit medley o Formula
My lil princess so happy!!!
My happy, my love, Breeona!