Signature (unit, name, etc.) Passive sampling of phosphate with DGT
Signature (unit, name, etc.) Diffusive Gradient in thin films (DGT) Developed for passive sampling of labile metal ions in aquatic environments Diffusion theory for calculations of time-averaged concentrations. Main focus: heavy metals Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni and Cr plus reactive trace metals Mn and Fe. Chelex, adsorbent for metals Few studies on collection of anionic compounds studies were preformed by NIVA on DGT as passive sampler for phosphate, arsenate and selnate.
Signature (unit, name, etc.) DGT theory Window Cap Piston
Signature (unit, name, etc.) DGT theory Fe(OH) 3
Signature (unit, name, etc.) DGT theory Fick’s first law:Time integrated uptake: Time-averaged concentration:
Signature (unit, name, etc.) DGT uptake of AMP
Signature (unit, name, etc.) DGT uptake of AMP
Signature (unit, name, etc.) DGT uptake of AMP
Signature (unit, name, etc.) DGT uptake of AMP
Signature (unit, name, etc.)