Problem Statement How can we better educate homeowners who own lake front property about the best practices for property and shoreline management that will help keep their lakes healthy for years to come? Making PLANS
Our answer… Making PLANS
Making PLANS Remember PLANS P hosphorus Free L eaves and Grass Out A nimal Waste Out N ative Plants In S eptic System Maintained
Making PLANS Your Dog’s Not A Goose! While we can't follow the geese around with a baggie, we can keep track of our pets and reduce the run off of phosphorus and e coli bacteria by cleaning up after them.
Making PLANS Speaking Of Geese… Don’t Feed them! Although ducks and geese are great at conning you into feeding them, it can unnaturally increase their population numbers. These large groups contribute phosphorus to the lake through their feces, sometimes causing algae blooms. So remember, let the wildlife be wild, Don’t Feed the Geese! Of course you realize this means War!
Want More Algae And Weeds, And Fewer Fish? Excessive phosphorus is the primary cause of degraded lake water quality. Remember, Phosphorus is a fertilizer. It promotes plant growth in lakes, just as it does in home gardens. However, in lakes the crop is algae, and sometimes aquatic plants, rather than garden vegetables. We can prevent this by using phosphorus-free fertilizers.
Making PLANS The Old Gray Mare, She Ain't What She Used To Be. Old, possibly leaking septic systems can increase phosphorus and E-coli levels in the lake. As a homeowner you are responsible for maintaining your septic system. This not only protects nearby surface and ground waters from being contaminated, but also protects your health and your investment in your home.
Making PLANS Your Shoreline Doesn’t Have To Be Carved In Stone! Concrete seawalls decrease water clarity, eliminate important habitat, and are actually more expensive than establishing a natural shoreline. Preserving a natural buffer of native plants is one of the best ways to protect a lake.
Handouts - Brochure Physical Copy of Brochure Downloadable Templates PLANS Brochure Template On-Line Interactive Template - Informational Flyers Example: Native Plants Handout Making PLANS
Native vs. Non-Native Game Can you tell the difference? Yellow Iris (Non-Native)Black-Eyed Susan (Native)
Native vs. Non-Native Game Can you tell the difference? Purple Loosestrife (Non-Native) Virginia Bluebells (Native)
Native vs. Non-Native Game Can you tell the difference? English Ivy (Non-Native) Fragrant Sumac (Native)
Making PLANS Template Customizaion Easy! Tippecanoe Watershed Enlightened Residents Protectorate
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Automating Template Customization Unless your group possesses publishing or web programming skills… Hire it done! Hard! Computers is hard
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