Simran Dhillon Computers 8
Major source of energy Two major types ◦ simple and complex Simple: ◦ sugars, white flour, veggies, fruits, etc… Complex: ◦ grains, veggies, beans, etc… Simple may cause health problems Most food contains carbs
Helps brain and nervous system Provides insulation to body Three major types ◦ unsaturated, saturated, trans Unsaturated ◦ plant foods and fish etc… Saturated ◦ meat, animal products, dairy etc… Trans fats ◦ snack foods, baked goods, fried foods etc… Fruits & veggies have almost no fat 30% of daily calories are fat
Heals body tissues Builds, keeps, replaces tissues Sources: meat, eggs, dairy, nuts, seeds, lentils etc… Muscles, organs, immune system made up of protein Cells and proteins make up a large part of each cell Blood also has proteins that help protect the body from disease
Keeps digestion regular Cleans out intestines Sources: bread, pasta, flax seed, and most yogurts etc.… Two types ◦ soluble & insoluble Soluble reduces blood cholesterol Insoluble helps to “go” regular Plant sources contain a mixture of both Fights diseases
Helps bones and body grow Stored in fat tissues, stay there until needed Many types few are ◦ Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin C cuts, B vitamins Help bones, vision, heal cuts, provide energy Found in milk products, veggies and fruits etc… Too much certain type can make sick Not enough of one causes illness
Builds strong bones Maintains a normal heart beat Many types ◦ calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus help bones Different foods contain the types Not created by living things Overdose or underdoes leads to health problems
Helps you fight off illness Helps digest food & get rid of waste All fluids contains Water & milk best choices Fruits & veggies have a lot Makes more than half body weight Can't survive more than few days without
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