Welcome If you haven’t, please sign in Coffee and water are located in the back Meeting Protocol is in your packet, please review. Please take a moment at the end and complete the survey. Thanks for coming tonight Public Meeting – An experimental treatment in Lake Lorene.
Lake Lorene Experimental Treatment Public Meeting Feb 25 th, 2015 (6:30pm to 8:00pm) Agenda 6:30 - 6:45pm Welcome/Introduction - Gary Darcey (TLHOA) 6:45 - 7:05pm Joe’s Creek Investigation – Dan Smith (City) 7:05 - 7:30pmExperimental Treatment Proposal - Doug Dorling (Northwest Eco-Systems) 7:30 - 8:00pmQuestions/Discussion
Lake Lorene Experimental Treatment Public Meeting The purpose of this public meeting is for Twin Lakes Home Owners Association (TLHOA) and Northwest Eco-Systems to provide information germane to the nutrient inactivation treatment planned for Lake Lorene in It is an opportunity for TLHOA members and those interested outside TLHOA to gain information pertaining to the proposed experimental treatment. This public meeting was advertised in the Federal Way Mirror and communicated to TLHOA members via the HOA web site and . The meeting is also an opportunity for the City of Federal Way to present their progress in determining the source of nutrients that are adversely impacting water quality in Lake Lorene. Time will be allotted for questions and concerns at the conclusion of each presentation and at the end of the meeting. Please bear in mind that this meeting is not intended to debate the merit of the treatment, as this will be determined by WDOE and any environmental concerns that they have about the nutrient inactivation treatment being proposed will be addressed in the provisions of the application permit issued. Each person speaking is respectfully requested to keep comments, questions & concerns brief, not to exceed three (3) minutes and to address only those issues pertinent to the proposed experiment on Lake Lorene. Each question will be documented including name, address and of the person asking the questions or raising the concern. The questions/concerns will be forwarded to Department of Ecology for resolution. All attendees that have included their address upon signing in will be provided the feedback. Meeting protocol
Lake Lorene Experimental Treatment Public Meeting TLHOA hired an environmental consultant to collect data to assess lake conditions and to identify potential approaches for solving problems related to water quality and aquatic plants in the lake. A report was issued suggesting: Develop & implement a water quality monitoring program to identify the primary external sources of phosphorus Reduce external phosphorus loading from the watershed Homeowners are complaining Lake management company hired. They suggested Add Sterile Carp to reduce aquatic plants Install aeration equipment & use additive Revive to help with the Algae carp added, aeration system installed & Revive addition commenced A “little” history
Lake Lorene Experimental Treatment Public Meeting Still using Revive, conditions are degrading each year. Blue- Green Algae is prevalent in the warm months. Weeds are under control Lake management company reports the most significant source of Phosphorus is coming out of the sediment. They suggested Phoslock. Added first installment Added second installment of Phoslock.... Life on the lake is good! Due to threat of legal action, no sign of the management company. We don't need them, things are great...or are they? Late June thru September. Blue Green Algae is present, weekly samples remain toxic – Commenced sampling Joe’s Creek and confirmed Soluble Phosphorus flowing into Lorene at a very high concentration – Partnered with the City of Federal Way to investigate.
Lake Lorene Experimental Treatment Public Meeting