Manitoba Bioeconomy Atlas Kyle Swystun Richard Grosshans
Bioeconomy?... technological development that leads to a significant replacement of fossil fuels by biomass in the production of: Pharmaceuticals Chemicals Materials Transportation Fuels Electricity Heat
Bioeconomy? 1.Reduce GHG emissions 2.Limit fossil fuel imports 3.Diversify energy sources 4.Rural development 5.Nutrient retention 6.Flood mitigation
Sustainable Development & The Bioeconomy Laws of thermodynamics Economic and ecological process Non-renewable resources Substitute with renewable Renewable resources Harvest at or below growth rate Pollution Assimilative capacity of environment
Manitoba Bioeconomy Atlas 1.Basic Resource Assessment Tool tool for biomass assessment and optimization 2.Watershed Design Tool planning tool for agricultural, environmental, land use and biofuels planning design and analysis tool 3.Rural Economic Development Socioeconomic information and planning