Soybean Vegetable Patties Elizabeth Vitale Nicholle Hassell Malia Thayer
Purpose We intended to create a Soybean vegetable patty with a decent taste and an appealing texture. This patty is: Egg-lessWheat-Free & Dairy free
Soybean History In 2853 BC, Emperor Sheng-Nung of China named soybean as one of the five sacred plants In 2853 BC, Emperor Sheng-Nung of China named soybean as one of the five sacred plants Soybeans have been cultivated in China for nearly 5,000 Soybeans have been cultivated in China for nearly 5, Planted in US – Animal Feed 1879 Planted in US – Animal Feed Today US and Brazil are the Major Soybean producers of the world Today US and Brazil are the Major Soybean producers of the world
Common Uses of Soybean Soy Milk Soy Milk Tofu Tofu Temphe Temphe Edamame Edamame Natto Natto Miso Miso Soy Sauce Soy Sauce Soybean Oil Soybean Oil Plastic – 1935 Ford Soybean Car Plastic – 1935 Ford Soybean Car Biodiesel Biodiesel
Benefits of the Soybean Patty No cholesterol – Not only do soybeans have no cholesterol but they can help lower blood cholesterol. No cholesterol – Not only do soybeans have no cholesterol but they can help lower blood cholesterol. Safe for those that are lactose intolerant and those who have wheat allergies. Safe for those that are lactose intolerant and those who have wheat allergies. Soybeans provide a balanced vegetarian source of protein. Soybeans provide a balanced vegetarian source of protein. Soybeans provide dietary fiber, lecithin, essential fatty acids and iron. Soybeans provide dietary fiber, lecithin, essential fatty acids and iron. Contain high concentration of phyto-estrogens predominantly isoflavones Contain high concentration of phyto-estrogens predominantly isoflavones
Soybean Benefits Cholesterol Lower risk for heart disease - Soy significantly decreases LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels, and can also raise HDL ("good") cholesterol levels. Lower risk for heart disease - Soy significantly decreases LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels, and can also raise HDL ("good") cholesterol levels. Soy can prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol. Oxidation makes arteries clog more readily. Soy can prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol. Oxidation makes arteries clog more readily. Soybean has high lecithin content and is therefore excellent for mental fatigue and for protection against cholesterol deposits. Soybean has high lecithin content and is therefore excellent for mental fatigue and for protection against cholesterol deposits.
Daily Value % of 100 g Soybean Thiamin:70% Phosphorus : 60% Iron : 40% Potassium : 15%
Protein, Fat & Essential Fatty Acid Soybeans are considered a high quality protein source comparable to meat and dairy. They are about 40% protein by weight. Soybean oil is 61% polyunsaturated fat and 24% monounsaturated fat Soybeans contain two essential fatty acids, omega 3 and in higher concentrations omega 6
Processing Our soybeans were soaked for 48 hours and boiled for 2 hours. Soybeans need to be soaked and cooked several hours to help neutralize phytate concentration, trypsin inhibitors and indigestible oligosaccharides. Phytates prevent mineral absorption and enzyme inhibitors prevent protein breakdown.
Soybean Veggie Pattie Recipe Makes g patties: Precooked Soy Beans Garbanzo Flour Guar gum Corn Starch Water Soy Sauce Diced Onion Garlic Powder Salt
Nutrition Label
Sensory Evaluation PLEASE READ ALL DIRECTIONS BEFORE YOU BEGIN. A LIST OF INGREDIENTS CAN BE FOUND ON THE BACK. Before sampling, please evaluate the patty for appearance. Based on appearance alone, how appealing is this patty to you. Mark your answer below. _____Very Appealing _____Very Appealing _____Appealing _____Appealing _____Slightly Appealing _____Slightly Appealing ______Not Appealing ______Not AppealingComments:
Before sampling, please evaluate the patty for aroma. Based on aroma alone, how appealing is this patty to you. Mark your answer below. _____Very Appealing _____Very Appealing _____Appealing _____Appealing _____Slightly Appealing _____Slightly Appealing ______Not Appealing ______Not AppealingComments: Now please taste the patty. Mark how the texture rates on the scale below. _______Very Firm _______Very Firm _______Firm _______Firm _______Slightly Firm _______Slightly Firm _______Slightly Soft _______Slightly Soft _______Soft _______Soft _______ Very Soft _______ Very SoftComments:
Indicate the bean flavor of the patty on the scale below. ________Very Strong ________Strong ________Slightly Strong ________Slightly Mild ________Mild ________No Bean Flavor Comments: Rate how the patty tastes on the scale below. ________Overly Seasoned ________Appropriately Seasoned ________Slightly Seasoned _______Slightly Bland _______Bland _______ Very Bland Comments:
Indicate the moisture level of the patty on the scale below. _________Very Moist _________Moist _________Slightly Moist _________Slightly Dry _________Dry _________Very Dry Comments: Did you like the patty and Why? ________Yes________NoWhy_________________________________________
Thank you for evaluating our soybean patties!