The Clear Creek Digital Observatory M. Muste, D. Kim, A. Kruger, D. Bennett, C. Just IIHR- Hydroscience & Engineering The University of Iowa, U.S.A.
Adapted from Abbott et al. (1986) 2004: Identification of on-campus expertise and infrastructure needed for implementation of cyberinfrastructure in water-related disciplines Clear Creek Digital Observatory Assembling on-campus CI incubator: CyberEnviroNet = 25 multi-disciplinary scientists (
Conceptual Framework Clear Creek Digital Observatory
Recent Developments : Customized ArcHydro-based Data Model & database population with 3 rd party available data ArcHydro Clear Creek Digital Observatory
Recent Developments: Real-time, automated data integrator for stream discharges Data source: USGS NWIS
Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Digital Observatory Recent Developments: Real-time, automated data integrator for rainfall estimates & interfacing with SWAT Data source 2: Iowa Mesonet Data source 1: NOAA
Clear Creek Digital Observatory Recent Developments: Real-time, automated data integrator for water quality Data source 2: Iowa STORET (32 stations)
Clear Creek Digital Observatory On-going work (Papanicolaou, Schnoor et al.) : In-situ measurements acquired with conventional and custom-built instruments Wireless sensor network for moisture and water quality data (Nitrates) Non-intrusive stream flow monitoring techniques (ADCP and LSPIV) Sources of sediment & pathways (stable isotope tracers & radionucleids) Rainfall (disdrometers, rain gages) Bed load and suspended sediment (ISCO, sedimeters) Permeability Hydraulic conductivity (via in-situ instrumentation and lab-based CT) Enrichment ratio Phosphorus (particulate and dissolved)
Clear Creek Digital Observatory On-going Work (NSF Test Bed project): Real-time, automated data integrators for in-situ measurements (moisture sensor network, water quality probes, rain gages)
On-going work: Assimilation of 3-D ADCP stream data in the geodatabase Clear Creek Digital Observatory (using IIHR’s customized post-processing & uncertainty analysis software)
Clear Creek Digital Observatory On-going work: Assimilation of 3-D ADCP stream data in the geodatabase
On-going work: ArcIMS: extraction of geospatial and attribute information from the geodatabase & interfacing data with users via the internet Clear Creek Digital Observatory
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