Organic Compounds Image source: content/2008-10-24/mole-day SE 7.6A: identify that organic compounds contain carbon and other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, or sulfur;
Building the Compounds of Life Think of all different brands of cell phones… iPhone, blackberry, Android, Nokia, Samsung, etc… They may look and work differently, but they are all cell phones! This is how organic compounds are. They are all built with the same basic components. It’s the “upgrades” that make the phones differently.
What is organic chemistry? Most living matter is made up of carbon. Carbon would act as the components of the cell phone The study of carbon is called organic chemistry. To understand how living things work, biologists need to have an understanding of organic chemistry because living things are made of organic compounds.
What are these “upgrades”? Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur Add any of these to carbon, and it creates an organic compound with different properties.
CHONPS Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur – combinations of these elements (always with carbon) make up the important molecules necessary to sustain life. What are these molecules? Sugars Proteins Genetic material Lipids (including fats)
Sugars: C H O Example: sucrose (table sugar) It is not important for a student to memorize what makes up sugars, proteins, DNA, or lipids. These slides are just so they can see that organic molecules are made up of CHONPS combinations.
Protein: C H O N (and sometimes S) It is not important for a student to memorize what makes up sugars, proteins, DNA, or lipids. These slides are just so they can see that organic molecules are made up of CHONPS combinations.
Genetic Material: C H O N P Example: DNA It is not important for a student to memorize what makes up sugars, proteins, DNA, or lipids. These slides are just so they can see that organic molecules are made up of CHONPS combinations.
Lipids: C H O (and sometimes P) Example: cholesterol It is not important for a student to memorize what makes up sugars, proteins, DNA, or lipids. These slides are just so they can see that organic molecules are made up of CHONPS combinations.