Parish President Billy Nungesser Comprehensive Master Plan Virtual Meeting – Online Participants Plaquemines Parish Comprehensive Master Plan Virtual Meeting – Online Participants
Parish President Billy Nungesser (STEP 2) - Get Oriented - Welcome, Introductions (STEP 3) - Watch Overview Presentation (This Presentation) (STEP 4) - Provide Input - Interactive Exercise & Break-out Session Questions Overall Conditions, Vision and Needs for the future of your community (STEP 5) - How do we make our Visions the Reality? Implementation Strategies Presentation & Comment opportunity Agenda
Parish President Billy Nungesser Who we are… Consultants working with you to create a Comprehensive Master Plan. For more information or question, please call Charlotte Weber, Public Involvement Coordinator Comprehensive Master Plan
Parish President Billy Nungesser What is a Comprehensive Master Plan? The BIG Picture for Plaquemines Parish Built up from Public Input How has Plaquemines Parish changed in 20 years? Goal of today: To discuss how you want it change over the next 20 years?
Parish President Billy Nungesser Why are we doing this? The Comprehensive Master Plan will help the Parish: Build back stronger, safer and smarter Make informed long term decisions Access Federal/State Grants Improve intergovernmental coordination Build partnerships for implementation
Parish President Billy Nungesser 1.Population and Demographics 2.Economic Development 3.Coastal Restoration 4.Drainage/ Flood Control 5.Multi-modal Transportation System 6.Water and Wastewater Systems 7.Public Facilities and Services 8.Parks and Recreation Facilities & Services 9.Parish Owned Properties 10.Land Use 11.Government Final Documentation and Adoption Comprehensive Planning Process Six Phases 11 Major Elements Community Assessment Community Agenda Visioning Implementation Strategies and Action Plan Project Initiation How are we doing this? We are here
Parish President Billy Nungesser Project Schedule Project Phase JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun PHASE 1: PROJECT INITIATION PHASE 2: COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT PHASE 3: VISIONING PHASE 4: COMMUNITY AGENDA PHASE 5: ACTION PLAN PHASE 6: DOCUMENTATION AND ADOPTION Steering Committee Meetings We are here
Parish President Billy Nungesser What have we done so far? Data Collection Defined Issues Identified Opportunities Conducted interviews Coordinated with other on-going planning efforts Launched Public Outreach efforts
Parish President Billy Nungesser Community Visioning Schedule May 22 (Sat) 9-12 Phoenix/Davant/Pointe à la Hache/Bohemia St. Thomas Church May 22 (Sat) 3-6Braithwaite/Scarsdale/Dalcour/Bertrandville St. John the Baptist Church June 5 (Sat) 9-12 Jesuit Bend/Myrtle Grove/Ironton/Lake Hermitage Belle Chasse Middle School Gym June 5 (Sat) 3-6Belle Chasse Belle Chasse High School Cafeteria June 12 (Sat) 9-12 Diamond/Port Sulphur/Homeplace South Plaquemines High School Gym June 12 (Sat) 3-6Boothville/Venice/Buras/Empire/Nairn/Triumph Boothville School Gym
Parish President Billy Nungesser Products of Community Visioning Process Develop a vision Identify: Community Assets/ Catalysts Areas needing improvement Data needs Implementation resources Champions and key players Prioritize community goals
Parish President Billy Nungesser Visioning Workshops overarching goals To Answer: What does ‘quality of life’ mean for you? How do we build back safer, smarter, and stronger? What do you need as a Community? What do you need as a Parish? What is your vision?
Parish President Billy Nungesser Go to the project website Attend Parish Council meetings – show your support for good decisions Look for Articles/Newsletters/Press Releases Review drafts of materials on website Comment on the Strategic Framework Document when available on line Attend Open Houses & Public Hearings Complete the Community Survey online – fall 2010 Stay Involved Steering Committee
Thank you for your participation!