Welcome! Purpose of this meeting: basic information and feedback session Goal – why we are all here Background/Facts Some ideas under consideration Feedback.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome! Purpose of this meeting: basic information and feedback session Goal – why we are all here Background/Facts Some ideas under consideration Feedback and discussion Parish Campus Planning Committee

Pastoral Council Jeff Purnell Kathy Chou Finance Council Tom Barton Pat Geary Facilities Committee Ken Holman Duke Powers Parish Staff Joan Mibach Leveraging Facilities Assessment report done February 2010 Membership: Goal: Recommendation on how best to fulfill remaining facilities projects originally anticipated as part of the Rooted in Faith Capital Campaign, as well as address Church and School space requirements more generally. Timeline: June 2012 – Kicked Off Sept 2012 – Note to Parish Oct 2012 – Leadership Input Dec 2012 – Information sessions Jan 2013 – Parishioner survey Feb 2013– Preliminary recommendations + Parish “Townhall” meetings March 2013 – Recommendations to Fr. Warwick Upon completion of school remodel, Fr. Warwick delivered a call to action…

Scope: Parish Center for Youth in Ministry - Moving forward with our last remaining facility commitment of the Rooted in Faith Capital Campaign. Rectory and Parish Office – Addressing issues including: Bringing priest living situation to be in compliance with Diocesan guidelines regarding adequate separation of Priest residential life vs. Parish/office duties. Goal is to improve priest living situation. Compliance with American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements Increasing office and meeting space. Convent - Examination of best long-term use. Pre-school Expansion* - Options to accommodate a facilities expansion given that we are presently at maximum capacity and have a waiting list, as well as its importance in feeding Kindergarten/school enrollment. Parish Campus Planning Committee * New since 2010 Facilities Assessment

Key Considerations Of course we want to have it all Ideal situation is priests and sisters stay on campus, and we find a way to support all space requirements including Center for Youth Ministry and Preschool expansion …But we don’t have infinite $$$/resources What financial commitments should we agree to Should we consider fund raising/special appeals? We should think about both the long-term and the short term Some near-term action is likely required, but we need to have a long-term view There are a lot of tradeoffs and complexities Parish Campus Planning Committee

Facts: Center for Youth in Ministry Recommended in 2009 Pastoral Plan and supports 2002 Diocesan Pastoral Plan promulgated by Bishop McGrath “Attract and engage the youth in the life and leadership of our Catholic Church in significant ways.” Committed as part of the Rooted in Faith Capital Campaign. A dedicated space intended to foster interest in ministry, stewardship, and social justice. Not a “Youth Center” for after school hang out – think “command central”, not “play area”. Research calls for ~1000 sq ft space with office, small kitchen space, and ideally a restroom. Initial concept in 2009 was to build new structure off the Gym Would be used for variety of youth functions beyond Edge/LifeTeen, including Scouts, CCM, Service learning project planning. Ideally located near Parish Center (gym), Simon Room, & Spooncer Hall and Church- to foster access to the areas where gatherings will actually occur Youth in Ministry Center space could be used for other meetings Parish Campus Planning Committee

Facts: Priest Living Quarters Rectory living space currently has 4 priest suites (bedroom, living room, and bathroom);1 guest room w/ bath; common living room and kitchen Currently house 1 pastor, 2 associates, and 1 retired priest. (Fr. Warwick, Fr. Mark, Fr. Anthony, and Fr. Mike) Currently in violation of 2003 Clergy Housing Policy that mandates separation of living and work spaces for the health and well being of our priests. Parish staff uses the rectory kitchen daily Pastor’s office is inside the living quarters Rectory dining room is occasionally used for parish meetings Diocesan /Secular Priests, unlike Religious Priests, sisters or brothers, are not called to or expected to live in community. Current Diocesan parish statistics 49% - Combined on-site rectory & office 27% - Priests live off-site 24% - Rectory on-site, but with separate offices in another building Parish Campus Planning Committee

Current Office Area Priest’s Quarters Pastor Suite Assoc Suite Assoc Suite Retired Priest Suite

Facts: Parish Offices Associate Priests’ offices moved from their suites into rectory offices previously used by staff to create more separation from living quarters Most parish administration offices located in the rectory building Liturgy Dir. and CCM offices locate in Church building with 3 staff, DRE, Youth Minister and Edge Catechetics Coord., sharing one office 15’ x 16’. Staff down by 1 since 2004 while programs and need for space has increased. Rectory office not compliant with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility to Rectory Office - No entrance ramp/elevator Restroom – No ADA sized restroom Office activities encroach into rectory living space No break room facility, thus staff uses the kitchen More parish meetings than space, thus dining room is used Parish Campus Planning Committee

Facts: Convent/Sisters Convent Facility – approximately 8,000sq ft. Downstairs – Chapel, community room, kitchen, 5 offices, 1 guest room Upstairs - 9 Bedrooms w/communal bathrooms, plus one bedroom w/private bathroom Dominican Sisters have been part of Parish since 2003 (Sisters of IHM left Parish in 2002) Convent occupancy recently increased from 3 to 6. 2 sisters employed by Parish, and other 4 engaged in Parish Sr. Rebecca – St. Simon Adult Spiritual Formation & RCIA – annual 10 month contract Sr. Jane Marie – St. Simon School Teacher, Grade 3 - annual 10 month contract Sr. Carmel Marie – Retired Principal, volunteering 3x per week at another Diocesan school Sr. Irene Mary – Music Ministry - 5PM Sat Mass, Guitar Lessons, Pre-school 1-2x/mo Sr. Joan - Sacred energy healer, retreat leader, small circle facilitator, and meditation teacher Sr. Reina – Commutes to Motherhouse. Starting to engage in Outreach & Social Justice Living in community is essential for the sisters. Prefer convent, but if offsite, would need individual bedrooms, space for chapel, community room, dining room, work/study area Commitment/Business arrangement Currently 1 year lease, but Sisters have recently expressed desire for 3 year lease Parish receives $36K/yr in rental income Parish pays utilities (~$7K/yr) and maintains building No other expenses paid for sisters Parish Campus Planning Committee

Facts: St. Simon Pre-school Started in 2009 as Christian pre-school that also helps increase St. Simon Kindergarten & School enrollment Uses Extended Care facility and thus has displaced extended care to use various other places on campus At current capacity of 27 which is limited by facilities space. High demand to increase the capacity. Current waiting list is 11. Administration desire to increase to as much as 60 (current kindergarten size is 47) Adequate outside play space is critical requirement Positive financial impact to Parish 2012 School year $130K/yr in revenue and $41K/yr in profit Expansion to 60 would increase profit by estimated $70K/yr Very important to feed size of Kindergarten class and Grades 1-8 ! Parish Campus Planning Committee

Other Factors and Constraints Campus is near the maximum building footprint (per Los Altos Planning) Minimal (<800 sq ft) remaining allowable space to build on Current capital budget affordability estimated to be ~$150K-$250K Figure is based on current resources – does not assume a major new campaign Donor fatigue is a concern Campaign starting now for new families since Rooted in Faith (Goal =~$250K) As funds are limited, need long term strategy with phased implementation Priority to address Priest Living, Office ADA, and Parish Youth Ministry Center as they are overdue, and Youth Ministry Center was committed as part of Capital Campaign While we want to do our homework, we should at least have a plan in 2013 Preschool requirements are also very important to the long-run health of the school Parish Campus Planning Committee

Some Basic Alternatives/Cost Estimates Parish Campus Planning Committee Build Center for Youth in Ministry off gym - $250k Basic ADA upgrade to Rectory/Parish Offices - $200k Add a portable to expand the size of the Preschool - $ k Setback variance would be required; cost dependent on square footage Minimal Remodel of Rectory to include Center for Youth Ministry - $225k Would likely have to include ADA compliance at $125k Would lose one –two Priest living suite(s) …and therefore would have to house one-two priests off-site - $33k-$66k Downstairs convent remodel to accommodate preschool - $600k Remodel downstairs for preschool and minor upgrades to upstairs for other school/parish meeting space Sisters would need to be relocated Full convent remodel - $2.2M To accommodate Center for Youth in Ministry and Rectory office space Sisters would need to be relocated Full rectory remodel - $2.2M Would likely meet needs of Priests, Center for Youth Ministry, and Offices Full rectory remodel with basement (does not count in sq ft limitations) - $3.2M

Discussion and Feedback Parish Campus Planning Committee