Local Church PPR/SPR Committee Handbook Utah/Western Colorado District of the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Methodist Church
A Prayer for Pastor and People Gracious and Ever-loving God, help us to remember always that ours is a sacred trust from you as we seek to enhance relations between pastor and people. May we know we are in this relationship together with you. Guide us in our quest for honesty and fairness. Help us to be quick to listen and slow to judge. Strengthen us in our ability to sift through the petty as we seek to expose that which is worthy of our thought and attention. Inspire us to stick to issues and not stick it to each other. When things are going well, let us rejoice and be grateful. When things are not going so well, let us reaffirm our faith in Christ and patiently and lovingly work toward a solution. Teach us humility in all our working relationships and help us to exemplify the spirit of the Christ in dialogue and in deed. Give us strength, courage and understanding as we strive to be accountable as pastor and people. And let us forever be grateful that we are part of the United Methodist Church. We offer our prayer and thanksgiving in the name of Jesus. Amen. ~ Lonnie Johnston Prayer – either use the one printed here or feel free to use your own
Why do we need training? To understand the role of the committee To help the committee address concerns in a healthy way To help the pastor to be as effective as possible in the church To help the church work more effectively with pastors To help us all become better church leaders Overview of the workshop.
True or False? When a church wants a new pastor, the SPRC chairperson holds a meeting with the congregation to take a vote.
Committee relationship with DS & bishop is advisory only SPRC confers with the DS and the church to determine how the best interests of church & pastor can be served Committee cooperates with the pastor, district superintendent, and bishop Committee relationship with DS & bishop is advisory only The Bishop, in consultation with the SPRC and the Cabinet, appoints pastors SPRC is advisory only. The Bishop consults, and ultimately has the final decision. The 1st conversation regarding replacing a pastor (or staff member) should be directed to a member of the SPRC. SPRC should discuss with the Pastor (complete transparency and openness should be maintained.) The SPRC is the liaison between the congregation and the paid staff, and they need to be the staff’s advocate. The charge of the SPRC is to help the Pastor and staff succeed in their positions.
True or False? The SPRC does not have to meet unless there is a crisis in pastoral leadership.
The committee shall meet at least quarterly.
At least one youth or young adult should serve on the SPRC. True or False? At least one youth or young adult should serve on the SPRC.
One of the members shall be a young adult and one member may be a youth. Young adult was considered 18-30, now 35; involving youth may be a good way to get them involved to grow future leaders.
True or False? If the pastor’s spouse is the lay member of annual conference, then s/he can serve on the SPRC.
No staff member or immediate family member of a pastor or staff member may serve on the committee.
True or False? Since the Lay Member to Annual Conference and the Lay Leader serve as committee members by virtue of their offices, they do not have a vote.
True or False? The SPRC may meet only with the knowledge of the pastor and/or the district superintendent.
Committee meets only with the knowledge of the pastor and/or DS. The pastor must be made aware of the meetings, but doesn’t necessarily have to attend.
True or False? The SPRC annually enlists and recommends persons from their congregation for ordained ministry.
SPRC role is to: • Enlist • Interview • Evaluate • Review • And recommend annually to charge conference lay ministers & persons for candidacy for ordained ministry Who in the church is actively identifying candidates for ministry? Long term, this is an important function of the committee.
True or False? The SPRC is the group in the church charged to interpret the work of the Ministerial Education Fund to the congregation.
SPRC interprets to congregation the process of preparation for ordained ministry and the role of the Ministerial Education Fund
True or False? The SPRC has the responsibility of developing and updating regularly a personnel policy manual for all church employees.
True Good question = “Do you have one?” If they do not have a policy manual, urge them to start one. (See Sample) Many of the policies are already set by the conference. In regards to compensation, the Finance Committee NEVER has the last say. Administrative Board/Church Council has the last say about most church decisions, unless the issue needs to go to the Charge Conference. The SPRC only makes recommendations.
True or False? When a vacancy occurs in pastoral leadership, the Bishop provides a list of available clergy names, which the SPRC prioritizes for interviews. That’s what you wish!
True or False? The SPRC should poll the congregation every year to determine whether or not to keep their pastor.
Ask congregants leading questions The SPRC should cultivate an art of listening to the congregation to assess the effectiveness of the pastor. They should NOT: Poll the church Ask congregants leading questions Hold a “town hall” styled meeting to assess the pastor’s popularity Invite and share anonymous complaints about the pastor or staff It is important to keep in mind that this is not a popularity contest. The SPRC needs to make an assessment of the situation to determine how wide spread any sentiment is, but they need to be careful to assure that it is done in a fair and healthy manner. A ‘Town Hall Meeting’ format is unhealthy and never works. Using an assessment tool or survey is also unhealthy. 34
Be non-anxious in conflict Share complements as well as complaints The SPRC SHOULD: Listen, listen, listen Weigh complaints and determine whether a problem is shared by many or only a few Be non-anxious in conflict Share complements as well as complaints Invite conversation around the strengths and gifts of the pastor Be specific in addressing problems; avoid generalities and sharing anonymous comments The best approach may be to discreetly poll individual members with questions like “How’s the church working for you?” and listen carefully to the answers. 35
True or False? Conflict should be avoided, if possible, to maintain harmony in the church.
Where two or more are gathered together, there will be conflict Where two or more are gathered together, there will be conflict. When addressed with genuine care and consideration, conflict can be beneficial to the health of the church and the pastor. Guidelines to help with “holy conferencing” can be found in the resources section of this presentation. This resource is found on the district web site. 38
An ordained deacon is a layperson who plans activities at the church. True or False? An ordained deacon is a layperson who plans activities at the church.
Authorized by the Church Deacons are persons: Called by God Authorized by the Church Ordained by the bishop to a lifetime ministry of Word & Service to both community & congregation in ministry that connects the two. Deacons and Elders are both clergy. Deacons generally have specialized ministries such as music, youth, etc. They are hired by the church and appointed later. They do have to have approved training.
Ministry of Deacon Ordained to Word and service Gives leadership in the church’s life Called and set apart for ministry of service Conference membership Appointment 42
True or False? An ordained elder is at least 55 years old and teaches younger clergy how to be pastors.
Elders are persons: Called by God Authorized by the Church Ordained by the bishop to Word, Sacrament and Order.
Ministry of Elder Ordained to Word, sacrament and order Give spiritual & temporal leadership in the church’s life Are members of the conference rather than the local church Are appointed by the bishop Are eligible for consideration as a Bishop 46
True or False? A licensed Local Pastor can perform fully as a pastor of the church where he/she is appointed.
Licensed Local Pastor May perform all duties of a pastor, including: Sacraments of baptism, Holy Communion Service of marriage, burial, confirmation, membership reception License may be renewed annually Upon completion of the Course of Study, a Local Pastor may apply for Associate Membership.
A Certified Lay Minister is appointed by the bishop. True or False? A Certified Lay Minister is appointed by the bishop.
A certified Lay Minister is a layperson who is assigned by the district superintendent to a variety of ministries within the local church. 52
Certified Lay Minister May preach the Word, provide a care ministry, assist in program leadership, serve as a part of the ministry team & must: Be recommended by local church pastor Complete Lay Ministry Training Demonstrate appreciation of history, polity, doctrine, worship & liturgy of UMC through service in local church Comply with application & certification process Many Certified Lay Speakers go on to become Lay Ministers. Educational requirements for each is different.
An SPRC meeting is closed to persons not elected to the committee. True or False? An SPRC meeting is closed to persons not elected to the committee.
Meetings of the SPRC deal with many sensitive issues, such as staff performance, relationship problems and other human resources topics. Members may be asked to keep some of the conversation confidential. Minutes are kept, but should not be distributed throughout the congregation if they contain sensitive material. 56
The SPRC must walk through the parsonage every year. True or False? The SPRC must walk through the parsonage every year.
Church-owned parsonages must be kept up to minimal conference standards. The SPRC should walk through the parsonage annually to assess the condition and maintenance needs of the home and work with the Board of Trustees to ensure that repairs are completed in a timely manner. Pastors, too, have responsibility to be “good tenants” when living in a parsonage. 59
The Role of the SPRC Provides leadership integrating staff and congregational interests focusing on the mission of the church Connects communications Congregation District Superintendent/Cabinet Assures healthy spiritual leadership and lay service to the church 60
The SPRC is Responsible to The Pastor To support, encourage and help the pastor to succeed in the church To recommend and support the pastor’s professional growth The Congregation To interpret the work of the pastor(s) and/or lay staff to the congregation and to listen to their concerns The Conference Cabinet To help ensure a healthy relationship between pastor(s) and congregation Professional growth includes continuing educational opportunities. Continuing education is a requirement for all pastors, and the SPRC can take an active role in recommending certain educational areas of focus for the pastor and in finding funding for educational workshops and seminars. 61
United Methodist Church Episcopacy: Bishops elected and consecrated by jurisdictional & central conferences; empowered to make all appointments in episcopal area Book of Discipline – UM book of law, plan, government and process. Can only be amended by General Conference Conference Guidelines – summary of authority/responsibilities of PPR/SPR
Roles Bishop Superintending officer and spiritual leader of Annual Conference District Superintendent (DS) Presiding elder appointed by Bishop and assigned to responsibilities of oversight and supervision within a district, serving as an extension of Bishop’s office Cabinet Bishop, Superintendents, and Director of Appointed Leader Development who serve on Annual Conference in the appointive process Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Responsible in local church for support and evaluation of all paid staff, including pastor(s) 63
SPRC Rhythm of the Year ITEM J F M A S O N D Budget x Parsonage Review Advisory Report Evaluation/Assessment Continuing Education/ Spiritual Renewal Counseling/Concerns/ Issues Interpretation SPRC Training Candidacy Profile It is suggested that the committee create an annual calendar to address these items. More about the advisory report and the pastor’s evaluation is found in the appendix. The Profile should be reviewed annually and revised every three years.
First Quarter (January – March) Provide training for new SPRC members Updates “Church and Pastoral Profile” Explore nature and function of Church and ministry Review pastoral and staff duties which are being performed, negotiate priorities Consult with District Superintendent with any information you wish to share regarding pastoral appointments
Church & Pastoral Profile Brief but complete Identifies problems, forecasts trends Includes demographic & financial information Identifies church- specific needs for pastoral leadership Helps when selecting a new pastor. 68 68
Second Quarter (April – June) Review church’s/charge’s plan of mission and ministry Assign individual SPRC members to relate to pastor(s) and staff members Share formal and informal evaluation of church’s ministry as ascertained from various segments and individuals in congregation Complete “Clergy Evaluation” for each pastor Arrange for parsonage tour with parsonage family(ies) and chairperson of Board of Trustees for maintenance needs If there is a change in pastoral appointments, make plans for Expressions of appreciation to outgoing pastor and family, Welcoming incoming pastor and family, and Moving arrangements It is suggested that an SPRC member be assigned as the advocate for each staff member. Schedule a regular meeting, go to lunch, have a cup of coffee, etc. and discuss “How’s it going? What can we do to help you do your job?” type questions. Remember, the primary objective of the SPRC is to help each staff member succeed in their job. Peer accountability is the biggest liability for a Pastor. The SPRC should insist that the Pastor have some peer accountability.
Third Quarter: July-September Review present compensation for pastor and staff, review benefits Complete pastor/staff evaluations Interview local church candidates for ministry Meet and get to know Certified Lay Leaders in congregation Liaison reports Quarterly in-service training Coordinate with Church Council regarding Church goals and resulting staff needs It is important that the SPRC does constructive, annual evaluations.
Fourth Quarter (October – December) Consult with District Superintendent prior to December 1 with any information you wish to share regarding pastoral appointments District Superintendent will meet with SPRC if requested Complete “Appointment Advisory Form, Staff/Parish Relations Committee” Send to District Superintendent by December 1 After Charge Conference, compare local church mission statement and goals with pastor(s) and staff job descriptions Revise job descriptions as needed
Fourth Quarter (continued) Evaluate SPRC’s work during year Allow pastor(s) and staff members to give their evaluation of SPRC’s work Agree on year-end report to Administrative Board/Council Express appreciation to any members leaving SPRC Consider appropriate Christmas gifts for pastor(s), their families and staff members
Resources Book of Discipline Trainings & References Committee on S/PPR Ordained Deacon Ordained Elder Local Church Property Candidacy for Licensed and Ordained Ministry Evaluation for Continuing Formation Change of Conference Relationship Trainings & References Intentional Interim Pastorates Suggestions for Smooth Transition Conflict Resolution Child Care Creating Sanctuary (Ethics) After-Pastor
Web Links 1. The clergy compensation form can be found at: http://rmcumc.org/rmc/forms/427-clergy-compensation-form-2010.html 2. The clergy evaluation form can be found at: http://rmcumc.org/rmc/forms/570-clergy-evaluation-2010.html 3. The clergy continuing education form can be found at: http://rmcumc.org/CHI/DistrictSites/Forms/ContEdReport.pdf 4. The annual parsonage walk-through form can be found at: http://rmcumc.org/rmc/forms/66-church-or-charge-conference-forms.html 5. The church & pastoral profile form can be found at: http://rmcumc.org/rmc/forms/379-profile-forms.html 6. The candidacy process checklist can be found at: http://rmcumc.org/COI/BOM/forms/Candidacy%20Process%20Checklist%202009
Web Links, cont. 7. Everything you want to know about the United Methodist system of ordaining clergy and consecrating Certified Lay Ministers. http://www.gbhem.org/site/c.lsKSL3POLvF/b.3463037/k.B0E1/Ordained_Ministry.htm 8. The Utah/Western Colorado Web site. http://utahwestco.weebly.com/index.html 9. This PowerPoint presentation may be found at http://utahwestco.weebly.com/church-resources.html 10. “Holy Conferencing” guidelines to help the SPRC have healthier conflict: http://utahwestco.weebly.com/church-resources.html
Appendices Appendix 1 - Clergy Effectiveness (slide 68) Appendix 2 - Appointment Process (slide 82) Appendix 3 - Clergy Continuing Formation (Education) (slide 96) Appendix 4 - Clergy Appointment Advisory (slide 98)
Clergy Effectiveness Appendix 1
Components of Clergy Effectiveness Leadership Community Spirituality Transformation Service
Measuring & Resourcing Effectiveness Purpose Growth and development of both individual clergy and congregations so that all might work together to be formed as disciples of Jesus Christ and to offer the path of faith to others
Measuring & Resourcing Effectiveness Resources for Sustaining Effectiveness Peer accountability Preventive and proactive aspects of Conference Health Plan Quadrennial ethical training (Creating Sanctuary) Appointment exit interviews Transition check list Vacation, study leave, sabbatical Participation in RMC functions Mentors
Assessment & clergy roles 85
Three Parts to Evaluation Congregation’s evaluation of its own mission and ministry, completed by team Clergy self-evaluation Clergy evaluation 86 86
Components of Congregational Effectiveness Worship Nurture/Education Service Evangelism Stewardship Administration 87 87
Measuring & Resourcing Effectiveness Tools for Measuring Effectiveness Yearly SPRC evaluation of clergy and congregation Yearly supervisory meeting of clergy and District Superintendent 88
Not a Test, But an Opportunity to: Identify and build on strengths Identify challenging behaviors or attitudes Affirm gifts and graces of pastor/deacon and congregation Identify areas limiting growth and development Set priorities for ministry
Congregational Evaluation Completed in its entirety every 3 years During interim, Administrative/Church Council revisits strengths, skills to be improved, and actions, continuing to work on these areas for further transformation of congregation Evaluates congregation’s progress in making disciples of Jesus Christ for transformation of world Completed by team (clergy, SPRC chairperson, church council chairperson, lay leader) Team shares evaluation with SPRC for clarification Synopsis is reported to church council and congregation by church council chairperson
Clergy Self-Evaluation Completed by clergy being evaluated Shared with SPRC for further dialogue and clarification From time to time, it is appropriate to modify information based on conversation and clarification with SPRC
Clergy Evaluation Each SPRC member completes an evaluation for each clergy serving congregation SPRC meets to review clergy’s self-evaluation(s), collate their own responses, reflect together, and agree upon final clergy evaluation SPRC meets with clergy to share evaluation For associate pastor(s)/staff member(s): Lead clergy may be part of evaluation process Evaluation shared with associate pastor(s)/staff member(s) with lead clergy present 92 92
Evaluation Process Timeline Senior clergy and SPRC chairperson set dates for evaluation process Clergy complete(s) self-evaluation Team completes congregation’s evaluation SPRC members complete clergy evaluation SPRC meets to reach agreement on clergy evaluation and presents to clergy Completed evaluations sent to District Superintendent
Tips for Evaluations Begin with prayer to discern Holy Spirit’s guidance. Focus on entirety of clergy’s ministry in given year, not on isolated events/activities. Focus on professional and ministry concerns, not on personal issues. Be honest with yourself and person you are evaluating. Identify specific examples and actions that illustrate positive ministry and areas for improvement by clergy/congregation. Identify concrete steps that will lead to better future, rather than vague desires/activities that will not generate growth and development.
Appointment Process Appendix 2
Supervision Supervision is for Elders, Deacons, Licensed Local Pastors, and Certified Lay Ministers Is done annually Appointment Exit Interview Transition Checklist 96
Candidacy Status Inquiring Exploring Declared Certified Applying for Provisional Membership Local Pastor Full Membership and Orders 97 97
Candidacy Process Process of qualification of full members of Annual Conference Candidacy for Ministry Local church membership for at least 1 year Active in leadership for 2 years Recommendation of local church SPRC Work with mentoring clergy Psychological screening Vocational testing and counseling Approval by District Committee on Ministry 98 98
Candidacy Process (continued) Order and Annual Conference Membership Continuing candidacy for at least 1 year Recommendation for District Committee on Ministry Application to and approval by conference Board of Ordained Ministry for Provisional Membership and Commissioning to either Elders or Deacons Orders Minimum of 2 years (maximum of 8) provisional membership under appointment and supervised by district superintendent
Key Concepts of Appointment Appointment process is every year Annual Conference membership of clergy Covenant to appoint Itinerancy
Qualifying & Appointing Clergy Assumptions Process of qualifying clergy is adequate through Board of Ordained Ministry Appointive Cabinet has knowledge of local church profiles/needs, of gifts and graces of Annual Conference clergy members, and of Annual Conference needs adequate to make constructive matches Appointive Cabinet works with integrity to meet requirements of profiles, following “Covenantal Values of Appointment Making”
Qualifying & Appointing Clergy (continued) Ongoing Evaluation & Support Evaluation Process leading to semi-annual advisory form sent by local SPRC to district superintendent Process leading to annual advisory form sent by pastor to district superintendent Support There are many structures of support in which local church and annual conference participate together Peer-Evaluation in Supportive Context Professional Discernment Process, reflection with peers District Superintendent conducts supervisory interviews annually with each appointed leader
Appointive Values of the Rocky Mountain Conference Cabinet Connectional Vision Local Congregations Cabinet Teamwork Transformation in Each Ministry Setting Justice in Appointment-Making
Appointive Process District Superintendent (DS) confers with SPRC to update church’s profile DS consults with clergy to update clergy profile DS consults with cabinet to identify pastor to be appointed DS confers with pastor to be appointed about possible appointment DS notifies SPRC chairperson that cabinet has identified pastor whom bishop intends to appoint Meeting of SPRC scheduled to introduce pastor appointee
Appointive Process (continued) DS meets with SPRC and pastor appointee for introduction SPRC and pastor appointee are invited to give feedback DS reports results of introduction to Cabinet If Bishop and Cabinet determine appointment should not be carried out, process repeats until Bishop makes and fixes appointment Bishop’s office announces decision First to all parties directly involved (Cabinet, pastor, SPRC) Announcement to congregations involved Public announcement through Conference internet system
Appointment Process for Deacons Discernment of SPRC In consultation with Cabinet and deacon Discernment of deacon In consultation with Cabinet and SPRC Recommendation goes to Bishop Deacons may seek appointments across a variety of ministry settings 106 106
Compensation, Benefits & Leave Conference Minimum Base Compensation Housing/Parsonage Package Building Short-Term Equitable Compensation Support Form completed by SPRC to include above
Accountable Reimbursement Plan Policy Q’s & A’s in book Ministry Expense Report Church budgeting and accounting for ministry expenses Financial support package for minister
Clergy Continuing Formation (Education) Appendix 3
Ties to minimum standards of annual conference Support for continuing education comes from SPRC Broad variety of CE opportunities Self reported to charge conference
Clergy Appointment Advisory Appendix 4
Clergy Appointment Advisory Clergy completes “Appointment Advisory Form” Submit to District Office by December 1 SPRC completes “Appointment Advisory Form” Before submission, clergy and SPRC discuss their respective forms. (The conversation is all-important.)
Vision of Shared Ministry