Introductions Melanie Phillips Democratic Services Manager and Louise Beeston Senior Electoral Services Officer
Objective To clarify the steps which need to be taken to ensure the effective administration of casual vacancies at parish councils.
Common Breaches Not informing the District Council that a vacancy exists. Co-opting before advertising the vacancy Assuming that if election is requested but no nominations received you can co-opt Not allowing the requisite number of days to advertise the vacancy If warded, not making clear on the notice to which ward the vacancy applies
Co-option Cannot co-opt without first advertising the vacancy If request for election is received, co-option is no longer an option available to you. Even if election is uncontested, co-option is still not an option Co-option must be seen to be fair and must be done as soon as practicable after expiry of 14 days. Co-optee must still meet qualification criteria
Advertising the Vacancy Notice of Vacancy must be prepared and posted as soon as possible after vacancy occurs. Notice must include details of where to send request for election i.e Proper Officer and not the Parish Council District Council MUST be informed when a Notice is posted. We can do these for you upon request.
Timetable Notice of Vacancy must allow 14 days [excluding dies non] commencing from day of posting. Date of Notice is day nought. If request received, election must be held within 60 days of date of Notice of Vacancy. 6 month rule applies.
Warding If parish is warded, all Notices must show the affected ward. Only electors from that ward may request an election. If election requested, only electors from that ward may vote.
Funding Parish Clerks are encouraged to make provision for any potential election costs each year in their budget. For casual vacancies, the parish bears the entire cost of an election**. **If an election is combined with one or more election, the costs will be shared equally.
Any Questions?