Keeping Stewardship Alive Regional Stewardship Conference by Jim Kelley Diocese of Charlotte Jim Kelley Diocese of Charlotte
Ways to advance stewardship beyond the basics
Developing a more detailed and comprehensive annual plan We encourage Stewardship Committees to make a detailed yearly plan that includes the organization and preparation for the 2-3 weekend effort as well as monthly awareness activities. There are many ways to do this and someone in your group who is good with computers can be a big help.
FIVE M’S to building a network of resources: 1) Materials 2) Meetings 3) Mixing 4) Models 5) s
1) Materials and Resources Stewardship: Disciples Respond A Practical Guide for Pastoral Leaders (International Catholic Stewardship Council – ICSC) Children’s Stewardship Manual (ICSC) Keeping Stewardship Alive – Proven Stewardship Ideas (ICSC) DVD’s, CD’s, Cassettes and Videos (ICSC) Best Practices in Parish Stewardship (by Chuck Zech, ICSC and OSV) FIVE M’S
Best Practices in Parish Stewardship 1. Be a welcoming parish 2. Appoint a stewardship council 3. Include stewardship as vital part of parish plan 4. Emphasize stewardship in all parish formation and education programs 5. Provide the opportunity for lay witness presentations 6. Encourage parishioners to make a pledge 7. Communicate with parishioners on stewardship 8. Remember, good stewardship starts in the parish house
1) Materials and Resources (continued) Websites: FIVE M’S
2) Meetings ICSC Annual Conference and Institutes Diocesan Stewardship Days Regional Stewardship Meetings Conference Call Meetings Other Stewardship Seminars/Conferences FIVE M’S
3) Mixing Individual phone calls Individual meetings Individual FIVE M’S
3) Models Archbishop Murphy Award Winners St. Francis of Assisi, Wichita, KS St. Joseph, Downingtown, PA St. Charles Borromeo, Youngstown, OH St. Matthias, Somerset, NJ St. Anne, Columbus, GA St. Luke the Evangelist, Houston, TX St. Michael, Olympia, WA Blessed Trinity, Ocala, FL St Thomas More, Centennial, CO St. Pius the Tenth, Greensboro, NC Queen of Peace Catholic Community, Gainesville, FL FIVE M’S Select Diocesan Models (Top 10 in each diocese)
5) Group exchange - diocesan, regional or national. FIVE M’S
COMMUNICATION Stewardship Video To use today’s technology and an engaging style to express the parish’s identity To use today’s technology and an engaging style to express the parish’s identity To demonstrate what has been accomplished through stewardship To demonstrate what has been accomplished through stewardship To show what needs exist To show what needs exist To hear parishioners give witness to their experiences, and To hear parishioners give witness to their experiences, and To invite parishioners to continue participation and transformation To invite parishioners to continue participation and transformation
COMMUNICATION Encouraging Discipleship Parish Bulletin Insert honoring one ministry per week: “Ministry of the Week” Parish Bulletin Insert honoring one ministry per week: “Ministry of the Week” Ministry Opportunities outside of the traditional Time & Talent Effort Ministry Opportunities outside of the traditional Time & Talent Effort Include a column or reflection in each issue of the parish newsletter Include a column or reflection in each issue of the parish newsletter Have a stewardship section on your parish website – sample website: Have a stewardship section on your parish website – sample website:
COMMUNICATION Promotional Items Reinforce Stewardship Message
OUTREACH OUTREACH A Disciples Response Thank you notes to family members 5% of the weekly collection to a non- profit organization that directly helps those in need. St. Joseph Workers HOPE (Helping Other People in Emergencies) Food for Friends
EDUCATION Teen Stewardship Board High school teens make-up a committee or board to organize and encourage other students in the efforts of stewardship activities.
EDUCATION JAM (Jesus And Me) The primary role is to teach and model Stewardship as a way of life, and to promote the growth of the children in our parish as true Christian Stewards.
EDUCATION Youth Stewardship Envelope Journey of the Heart Collection Box
EDUCATION Gifted & Called Confirmation Retreat Paper Vest Paper Vest Body of Christ Body of Christ Talent Résumé Talent Résumé
EDUCATION Stewardship by Small Steps Taking off your watch when entering the church for Mass – symbolizing that this is God’s time Taking off your watch when entering the church for Mass – symbolizing that this is God’s time Pray while in line at the supermarket – for those in the store, for those who grow and process the food and for those who are hungry Pray while in line at the supermarket – for those in the store, for those who grow and process the food and for those who are hungry
If the parish uses a postage machine, add a stewardship message to the printing “Stewardship – a Disciple’s Way of Life” or “Place God 1st!” If the parish uses a postage machine, add a stewardship message to the printing “Stewardship – a Disciple’s Way of Life” or “Place God 1st!” EDUCATION Stewardship by Small Steps
EDUCATION U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship Sharon Hueckel’s The Disciple as Steward (six weeks) Sharon Hueckel’s The Disciple as Steward (six weeks) Monsignor Joseph Champlin’s “A Way of Life” (four weeks) Monsignor Joseph Champlin’s “A Way of Life” (four weeks) Stewardship Quiz Stewardship Quiz
EDUCATION Stewardship Theme Hospitality Hospitality Worshipping the Living God Worshipping the Living God Serve One Another Serve One Another Giving Thanks Giving Thanks Discipleship Discipleship Welcoming Welcoming Living God’s Peace Living God’s Peace Growing Prayer Growing Prayer Strengthening Community Strengthening Community The Year of…
Appreciation Events Appreciation Events Welcome at Mass Welcome at Mass Parish Covenant Parish Covenant Welcoming Process Welcoming Process Welcoming Existing Parishioners Welcoming Existing Parishioners HOSPITALITY/WELCOMING
LEADERSHIP Ministry Leader Training (non-staff) Ministry Leader Training (non-staff) Stewardship Calendar – Strategic Planning Stewardship Calendar – Strategic Planning Stewardship Staff Positions Stewardship Staff Positions Position Descriptions for Ministries Position Descriptions for Ministries Formation of Stewardship Council/Council Retreats Formation of Stewardship Council/Council Retreats
Commissioning of Leaders Commissioning of Leaders Taking Stock in Your Parish Taking Stock in Your Parish History of Giving History of Giving LEADERSHIP
RENEWAL 9 months of Planning 9 months of Planning Stewards Sharing Weekend Stewards Sharing Weekend (Lay Witness) Letters Letters Homilies Homilies Ministry Festivals Ministry Festivals In-pew Ask In-pew Ask Follow-up Follow-up
State of the Parish Address State of the Parish Address Parish Annual Report Parish Annual Report Priest Appreciation Day Priest Appreciation Day RENEWAL
RENEWAL Evaluating Stewardship Progress
RENEWAL Visiting Booths
RENEWAL Time & Talent Descriptions Name of the ministry Name of the ministry A one-sentence description describing the opportunity A one-sentence description describing the opportunity Skills or gifts needed Skills or gifts needed Any responsibilities particular to the ministry Any responsibilities particular to the ministry Length of commitment Length of commitment Time required to serve Time required to serve Whether or not training is provided Whether or not training is provided
SPIRITUALITY Prayer Prayers for Meetings Prayers for Meetings Family Prayer Packet Family Prayer Packet Prayer & Adoration Prayer & Operation Listen-up Operation
SPIRITUALITY Stewardship Gift Discernment Workshops/ Retreats Gift Discernment Workshops/ Retreats Incorporating Gratitude in the Liturgy Incorporating Gratitude in the Liturgy
TREASURE Automatic Giving through Direct Deposit (or “Online Giving”) We have placed this envelope in the offertory basket as a symbolic gesture. Our full contribution to the Parish via Automatic Giving.
TREASURE Envelopes with a Stewardship Message Envelopes with a Stewardship Message Mail-back Envelopes Mail-back Envelopes Sacrificial Giving Reminder Letters Sacrificial Giving Reminder Letters
TREASURE Parish Endowment Parish Endowment Limiting Fundraising Limiting Fundraising Fundraising without Gambling Fundraising without Gambling Sacred Trust Campaign Sacred Trust Campaign