1 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate
2 Agenda TimeTopic / Activity 7:00Opening Prayer and Welcome Message Fr Rios 7:10Why Reorganize ?Olga Rodriguez 7:15Goals/Reflection Shared Leadership Overview - Background - What is being asked of you - What is needed of you - How we will do it - Leadership Organization Structure - Commissions Instructions for Commission Discussions Steve Ayupan Ellen Turner
3 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Agenda TimeTopic / Activity 7:45Break for refreshmentsAll 8:00Break into Five Parish Life Commission Groups - Descriptions - Discussion Group Leaders Worship – Gina & Raul Formation – Paula & Linda Outreach - Brendan Admin – Monte & Brian Community – Teresa & Ann 8:45Complete Group DiscussionsAll 8:50Final Wrap-Up questionsAll 9:00Closing Song “ City of God” Closing PrayerFr Rios
4 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Why Reorganize? Shared Leadership Improve Communication/collaboration Pastor Role --- CDI - Consult Decide Inform Organization Chart – Improved Process
5 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Goals for Tonight Gather and Inform Parishioners on new Parish Organization and Process Initiate and engage in selection process for Commissions Obtain feedback on Commissions Answer questions
6 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Reflection Sunday Reading Acts 14:21-27 … And when they (Paul and Barnabas) arrived, they called the church together and reported what God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles Reflect, Relate and Celebrate on how SJV Parish Community has helped in your spiritual growth and relationships
7 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Background Fr. Rios formed PMT group to address needs of the Parish Used “Keeping the Covenant” Book as our Guide Collaborative leadership and ministries Communication is the Key Review Mission Statement Developed a Mission Theme of “Reflect, Relate and Celebrate”
8 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Current Parish Organization Structure PASTOR May 2010 MINISTRIES Sick and Healing Risen Lord Prayer Group Bible Study Group Rainbows Catholic Engaged Encounter Just Faith STAFF Priests and Seminarian Deacon Administrative Assistant Sacramental Preparation and Faith Formation Youth Ministry and Confirmation Wedding Coordinator Marriage and Baptismal Preparation Billing & Registration COMMITTEES Finance Liturgy Fiesta PARISH COUNCIL SCHOOL Co-Principals School Advisory Council COMMUNITY PACT/LOC SJV Senior Club St Vincent De Paul Community Ministry Knights of Columbus Single point of contact difficult for efficient communication and facilitate collaboration throughout the Community
9 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate What is being asked of you? Carry out the Parish visions and goals Build upon a covenantal relationships Work towards common mission and vision together Discern use of your Time and Talent
10 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate What is needed of you? Willingness to listen Desire for spiritual growth Openness to study and reflection Eagerness to see a vision or direction Ease in working with groups Ability to animate others’ gifts Freedom to delegate responsibilities Resolve to make needed decisions Excitement about parish Willingness to be a liaison to a given group May 2010
11 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate How will we do it? Establish a shared leadership / joint ownership organization Pastoral Council of Ministries Formation of Parish Life Commissions Monthly Leadership Night Meeting First Thursday of each Month Organized - Decision Making – Collaboration - Communication
12 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Pastoral Council of Ministries Faith-filled leadership body, guided by the Holy Spirit and the Gospel, Works in conjunction with the pastor, parish staff and commissions to discern the needs of the parish Guides the parish in building a strong Catholic faith community The “glue” for all that happens in the Parish Mission – Model – Focus – Decisions – Crisis Facilitate Consult – Decide – Inform (CDI) Process
13 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Parish Life Commissions Coordinating, visioning group in each of the five key areas of parish life Put the mission of the parish into practice Have vision to look beyond what is Function is to Link – Assess - Vision – Funnel Has two Co-Chairs, two members of the Pastoral Council and one Staff member as liaison Serve 3 years to a commission, 2 years on Pastoral Council
14 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Shared Leadership Organization FAITH FORMATION Adult Formation – RCA, Bible Study, Marriage Prep Child Formation – Catechist, Liturgy for Children, Baptism Youth Ministry Parish School - SAC OUTREACH Social Services – St Vincent de Paul Social Justice – Just Faith, PACT Pastoral Care – Ministry of the sick, Bereavement, Rainbows Evangelization Organization facilitates communication and collaboration throughout the parish community – and not a single point ADMINISTRATION Stewardship Finance Council Buildings and Grounds Communication Committee (bulletin, website etc) WORSHIP Liturgy Planning Committee Liturgical Ministers Music Ministers/Choirs Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Ushers Altar Servers Church Environment Prayer Experiences Novenas COMMUNITY LIFE Volunteer Coordinating Committee Hospitality Committee – Greeters, New Comers, Fiesta Committee Social Committee- Parish Picnic, Barbeques Organizations - Seniors, Knights of Columbus, Boy and Girl Scouts, Filipino American STAFF PASTORAL COUNCIL Commission - Co Chairs Staff is a resource to commission and Parish Council PASTOR
15 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Example for Worship Life Commission WORSHIP Liturgy Planning Committee Liturgical Ministers Music Ministers/Choirs Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Ushers Altar Servers Church Environment Prayer Experiences Novenas STAFF PASTORAL COUNCIL PASTOR COMMISSION - Worship Link Assess Vision Funnel Co-Chairs Pastoral Council members Staff liaison Commission Role VISION GOALS ACTION PLAN COORDINATION Reported at Monthly Leadership Night
16 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Worship Give direction to the liturgical life of the parish Fostering and promoting the spiritual growth of all parishioners, enabling them to understanding what it means to be a baptized Catholic Christian. Seeks to provide opportunities for personal and communal prayer besides the celebration of Holy Eucharist. Coordinates Liturgy Committee, Choir, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters, Ushers, Art and Environment Committee, Prayer groups, Altar Servers, Ministers of Hospitality, Adoration.
17 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Community Life Made up of various organizations and support or socializing groups in the parish Purpose is to build a deeper sense of Christian community for all ages and interest groups in the parish. The scope of the Commission includes Hospitality and Welcoming, Parish Organizations and Clubs, Senior Group, Fiesta, Youth Ministry, Community- building and Socializing Events, and the Stewardship of Time and Talent (Volunteer Coordination).
18 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Faith Formation Coordinates all levels of educational programming in the parish, children through adults, Catholic and public school children alike. Role is to foster cooperation, coordination, and communication among all groups and individuals involved in the education/formation ministries in the parish. Coordinates Adult Formation Committee, School Advisory Council, Religious Education Core Team, Intergenerational Ministry, Sacramental Preparation, Just Faith, Renew, and the RCIA Team.
19 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Outreach Coordinates the ministries of pastoral care social services, peace and justice, and evangelization. Outreach to both the parish membership and the larger community, either in the neighborhood or beyond. Coordinates the Pastoral Care, Community Ministry, Saint Vincent de Paul, and Faith-In-Action, and Inactive Catholics.
20 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Administration Responsible for coordinating the temporal affairs of the parish: how money is acquired, how it is spent, how the facilities and grounds is maintained, and how the parishioners are kept informed about what is happening in the parish Coordinates with following subcommittees: Finance Council, Buildings and Grounds Committee, Communication Committee, Stewardship Committee, the Multipurpose Building committee, or any other committee
21 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Break Time Refreshments in the vestibule Break into the Five Commissions / Parish Life Groups Group Leaders - Faith Formation – Paula and Linda - Administration – Monte and Brian - Worship - Gina and Raul - Outreach - Brendan - Community – Theresa and Ann
22 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Commission Discussion Instructions Provide description of Commission Parish Life description Purpose Roles and Responsibilities Ministries, Staff and Committees within the commission
23 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Small group process Join the group that seems to be the best fit for you. (Trust the Holy Spirit to lead you to the right group.) On green card, write 2-3 reasons you would be a good Commissioner. On red card, write 1-2 things that may prevent you from being a good Commissioner On purple card, first write the name of the Commission group, then wait for instructions.
24 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Small group process, cont. On the green index card write 3-4 reasons why you would be a good Commissioner. For example: I have been working in this area for many years. I have some great ideas about how this area could work at SJV. I have strong leadership skills.
25 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Small group process, cont. On the red index card write 1-2 reasons that might keep you from being a good Commissioner. For example: I just started a new job and time may be a problem. I don’t want to serve at this time.
26 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Small group process, cont. On the purple index card write the name of the Commission your group is working on. For example: Worship Commission: 1. 2.
27 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Small group process, cont. Based on tonight’s discussion, nominate the two people you think would be best to serve on this Commission. Turn your nomination in to leader. Worship Commission: 1. First Choice 2. Second Choice
28 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate In conclusion The current Parish Council and the Parish Ministry Together team will meet in the next few weeks to discern the actual members for the first Commissions. These people will be notified within two weeks and their names will be published once they have agreed to serve. The Commissions and Pastoral Council will meet on the first Thursday of each month. A training for new Commissioners will be held on Saturday, May 29.
29 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Schedule of Follow On Events ActivityNotes Meeting minutes publishedMay 15 Notify Commission Members of selection to serveMay 21 Training Session for Council and CommissionsMay 29 Commissioning and Council Service MassJune 6 First Leadership Meeting NightJune 10
30 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate Leadership Night Meeting Agenda prior to meeting Meeting starts at 7 PM and ends 9 PM Opening Prayer and Reflection Breakout in Commissions to work on agenda Each Commissioner provide 2 minute report & short written report Action Plan Status / Major activities Refreshments break Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes sent out within the week May 2010
31 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate City of God Awake from your slumber! Arise from your sleep! A new day is dawning for all those who weep. The people in darkness have seen a great light. The Lord of our longing has conquered the night. Refrain: Let us build the city of God May our tears be turned into dancing! For the Lord our light and our love has turned the night into day! We are sons of the morning; we are daughters of day. The One who has loved us has brightened our way. The Lord of all kindness has called us to be a light for all people to set their hearts free. Taken from
32 Reflect - Relate - Celebrate City of God God is light; in God there is no darkness. Let us walk in the light, God's children one and all. O comfort my people; make gentle your words, Proclaim to my city the day of her birth. Refrain: Let us build the city of God May our tears be turned into dancing! For the Lord our light and our love has turned the night into day! O city of gladness, now lift up your voice! Proclaim the good tidings that all may rejoice! Taken from