Christ Church, Ithan “A Growing Community in Christ” Parish Development Interim Report Parish Mission Statement Christ Church, Ithan, strives to be an active, inclusive, family that embraces an ever present, loving relationship with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. We promote leadership in the church and broader community through nurturing and developing each member’s unique gifts from childhood through life.
Proposed Methodology of of Parish Development Project Enlist volunteers to be interviewed and contact other interviewees Enlist volunteers to be interviewed and contact other interviewees Create “themes” and present to vestry for discussion and prioritization Create “themes” and present to vestry for discussion and prioritization Form focus groups to elaborate selected themes and provide implementation plans Form focus groups to elaborate selected themes and provide implementation plans Identify leadership and volunteers to implement projects that are chosen for further development Identify leadership and volunteers to implement projects that are chosen for further development
Overview of current situation A small parish in a five mile radius that includes more than 6 other Episcopal churches A number of parishioners live outside the 5 mile radius People “chose” Christ Church, Ithan The long-term members of the parish are “aging” The Sunday school enrollment has decreased over the last 10 + years, despite good educational programs The budget remains balanced and supports maintenance, but little extra for major growth or new programs The finances of the parish have increased pledge support, but still relies heavily on a few individual donors There is a very positive attitude toward Christ Church on the part of the parishioners
The Challenge and the Opportunities Parishioners like the small, cozy, uncomplicated spiritual community that Christ Church, Ithan provides. Parishioners recognize the need for growth, more active programs and greater involvement in our broader community.
Themes and Specific Topics I. Greater Presence in Community Advertise in local papers, campuses, corporations, coffee houses, etc Articles and stories in local media New resident outreach – real estate info Reach out to people –Teachers and parents at Central Nursery –Inactive parishioners –Friends, neighbors and relatives –Others who use CCI facilities II. Improve Communications Publish an updated pictorial parish directory Profile various parishioners Announce activities looking for wider participation Provide information about outreach programs that need volunteers Bring 8:30 AM parishioners and 10:30 AM parishioners closer together
Themes and Specific Topics III. Programs for Young People Sunday school Create a working group that would work with other groups to increase numbers of children. Teens Weekend dances and movies Babysitting service Outreach projects College students Contact campus ministry programs Involve in music program “At home for the holidays” social Young adults Social events Discussion groups Activism in outreach programs IV. Programs for Adults Enhance Sunday educational forum at 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM Enhance programs for women of Christ Church Special adult educational series Advice and support to parents program Transportation ministry for the elderly parishioners
Themes and Specific Topics V. Music Program Expand number of parish musical events CCI musicians entertain at senior centers and other community events Create a CD of Father Parker and other CCI musicians Organize a junior choir Involve music students in CCI musical programs VI. Outreach activities Directors of outreach programs present their cause at 9:30 AM Sunday forum Direct participation of volunteers from CCI in various outreach programs Develop an active relationship with a sister parish Active involvement of parishioners in other parishioner's outreach programs