Vision for the Future of Stewardship Sts. Simon & Jude Case History Where Do We Go From Here to Bring Our Church Alive through Stewardship Spirituality Michael Harvey, OFM Pastor John Hazlin, Past Stewardship Board Chair April 26, 2007
Recap What is Stewardship? What can you do to make Stewardship visible? How can you make Stewardship successful in your Parish? Where do we go from here?
What is Stewardship? The spirituality modeled by Jesus We are called to action by the Bishop’s letter To bring a deeper spirituality to Parishioners that will heighten their personal experience of discipleship Move people to conversion beyond Who Am I? to Whose Am I? Create a whole new level of responsiveness based on a shared vision of the Body of Christ as Grateful Caretakers
What can you do to make Stewardship visible?
Are You Ready to Champion Stewardship Spirituality? Have you studied the Bishop’s letter? Spend some time in prayer with this!
Is Your Parish ready for Stewardship Spirituality? Can you find Parish Leaders willing to take some time with this? Why not set up a Board to study Stewardship and see where the Holy Spirit takes you?
How can you make Stewardship successful in your Parish?
1.Establish a Stewardship Board and divide it into working teams 2.Study Stewardship documents & write a Stewardship Plan 3.Deliver Stewardship homilies over and over 4.Offer a semi-annual Day of Reflection mini-retreat 5.Organize a Witness Team to train witness speakers 6.Use every opportunity to recruit
What can you do personally to make Stewardship visible? 1. Be the “champion.” 2. Hand Pick the Leadership Team 3. Empower the Board to take action, when you see they’re ready. 4. Make Stewardship part of your personal vocabulary and a focal point in homilies and talks to the Parish 5. Give Stewardship time: It will take longer than you imagine for any individual to feel comfortable with the message.
Where do we go from here?
Stewardship is alive and well at Saints Simon & Jude SSJ is an active Parish: 153 Parish Leaders 16 Boards, Councils & Commissions 20 active ministries 13 societies/charities affiliated with SSJ 10 Catechetical programs from Infants & Toddlers to Returning Catholics SSJ is blessed with hundreds of volunteers Strong sister Parish relationship with St. Paul the Apostle in New Orleans
Where Does SSJ Go from Here? New Stewardship Board Horizons 1 Year Goals Accommodate special needs families in Liturgies Expand Stewardship Education to include families Support our sister parish, St. Paul the Apostle in New Orleans Collaborate with the Hospitality Board to expand welcoming activities 2 Year Goals Establish an Outreach Ministry in the local community Begin outreach to those who don’t participate regularly 3 Year Goals Provide Stewardship materials to all teachers and catechists Expand the Stewardship message to Youth Ministry and the school Promote the establishment of new ministries based on Parish needs Increase parishioner monetary giving to support the Parish Vision
Where Does SSJ Go from Here? New Stewardship Board Horizons 1 Year Goals Accommodate special needs families in Liturgies Expand Stewardship Education to include families Support our sister parish, St. Paul the Apostle in New Orleans Collaborate with the Hospitality Board to expand welcoming activities 2 Year Goals Establish an Outreach Ministry in the local community Begin outreach to those who don’t participate regularly 3 Year Goals Provide Stewardship materials to all teachers and catechists Expand the Stewardship message to Youth Ministry and the school Promote the establishment of new ministries based on Parish needs Increase parishioner monetary giving to support the Parish Vision
Where Does SSJ Go from Here? New Parish Horizons Create a comprehensive Vision Statement for the Parish Define what it means to be an “SSJ Parishioner” Establish a covenant relationship between each Parishioner and the Parish Hire a full-time paid Volunteer Coordinator Found a School of Theology to instruct our Catechists and Ministers Expand our Whole Community Catechesis program to involve a significant percentage of Parishioners Increase the Assembly’s appreciation of its role as “full, active, conscious” participants in the weekly Eucharist Establish a leadership training program Create a plan for social action in accord with Catholic social teaching
Where Does SSJ Go from Here? New Parish Horizons Create a comprehensive Vision Statement for the Parish Define what it means to be an “SSJ Parishioner” Establish a covenant relationship between each Parishioner and the Parish Hire a full-time paid Volunteer Coordinator Found a School of Theology to instruct our Catechists and Ministers Expand our Whole Community Catechesis program to involve a significant percentage of Parishioners Increase the Assembly’s appreciation of its role as “full, active, conscious” participants in the weekly Eucharist Establish a leadership training program Create a plan for social action in accord with Catholic social teaching
Where do you go from here?
Where Do You Go from Here? 1 Year Goals All Parish Leaders learn about Stewardship Spirituality Working Teams focusing on meeting key Parish goals Witness Team begins training speakers 2 Year Goals Thousands hear about Stewardship spirituality Dozens of parishioners excited about sharing their time, talent and treasure 3 Year Goals Stewardship recognized as a “core parish value” Hundreds of revitalized parishioners
An engraved invitation? What are you waiting for?