INTRODUCTION A role of the parish nurse Facilitator of faith and health integration More understanding of this integration in the frail elderly is needed
PURPOSE Describe the pattern of faith/health integration of frail elders affiliated with a Christian congregation Qualitative design Taped interviews METHOD
1. Boykin & Schoenhofer THEORY
QUESTIONS Faith’s influence on health Health’s influence on faith Church’s role in facilitating integration of faith and health Perceived relationships…
MODEL Review of church affiliation Integrity of self Review of functional abilities Intentional Life-review
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SAMPLE (n=10) Gender 8 females 2 males Age Range: 74 to 97 Mean: 86 Church Affiliation Roman Catholic & Protestant
FINDINGS Faith and doubt may co-exist Isolation from the church and its staff is experienced
FINDINGS Compare themselves to other seniors. Need for meaning, purpose and giving Speak of limitations instead of diagnoses
CONCLUSIONS Integration of faith and health is facilitated by: Intentional life review (established patterns of meaning, purpose, roles, and responsibilities) Review of functional abilities (assets and challenges to health) Review of church affiliation (affirmation of self as valued by God and others) Faith and health integration contributes to integrity of the self