Cambridge Area Metro Presentation to Cambridge Futures 23 rd November 2001 Michael May – Steer Davies Gleave Colin Brader - ITP
The Dilemma Situation: Cambridge phenomina, Complication: Victim of its own success, shortage of affordable housing, infrastructure deficit, road congestion A14 Question: How in public transport terms can you ensure the phenomenon is not strangled in its infancy Answer: Provide a public transport system in the next 5 years that is; Accessible, flexible, high quality, integrated, economic, deliverable and meets local objectives CAMBRIDGE AREA METRO
How does CAM achieve this? Help to alleviate road congestion - Part of the A14 solution in CHUMMS High quality rapid transit system Serves key growth business, residential and academic areas as well as the City centre Utilises existing (disused) public transport corridors Economic 1 st Line of a core system for a wider public transport network DELIVERABLE in phases, flexible and adaptable
Transport options SafetyIntegrationEconomyAccessibilityDeliverabilityLocal objectives Basic Rail Metro Rail Light Rail Rapid Transit
Intermediate Transit – Key Attributes Commitment to improve public transport and to increase public transport mode share A population that cannot produce patronage levels sufficient to meet the costs of light rail Population densities that cannot support a fixed track system Physical environmental or urban design constraints that exclude fixed track systems A changing urban environment which demands that a system evolves and changes to serve new urban forms
What kind of service is superCAM? Brand new generation of vehicle - Tram-on-tyres Maximising segregation and/or priority Speed comfort and accessibility Flexibility to run on-street as well as on the guideway Dedicated stops, real time information, smartcards Turn up and go: 5 – 10 min frequency
What kind of vehicle is superCAM?
Where will superCAM run