KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL COUNCIL MEETING – 10 JANUARY 2011 PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF USE OF THE PAVILION A presentation by the Clerk on the response received to the public consultation on the Pavilion.
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Purpose of Consultation: To seek the views and opinions of the villagers of Kingston on the future management of use and proposals for the day-to-day operation of the Community Pavilion, including specifically the option of forming a management group responsible to the Council for the day-to-day operation of the Pavilion and to act as an advisory body to the Council in respect of all considerations and proposals for improvement or enhancement of facilities to the benefit of the community.
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Period of Consultation: The consultation began on 15 November and closed on 20 December 2010.
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Nature of Consultation: The process of consultation began with a letter and Situation Report Delivered to every household in the Village. This provided an explanation of the proposed management structure and invited responses from all concerned. Based on that letter the Council also hosted a public meeting in the Parish Hall on 22 November which was attended by over 60 residents.
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Responses Received: In addition to the constructive and informative exchange of views and opinions, the Clerk received eight responses and two letters from residents.
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Nature of Response: Public meeting well attended by over 60 residents and provided informative and constructive discussion lasting nearly 3 hours Positive feedback from community. General wish to see the Community Pavilion operation succeed and at the operational level to be managed by the community for the benefit of the community. From the public meeting and from separate written responses to Clerk there are perhaps three dominant themes from which emerge 4 key areas for consideration by the Council: Policy objectives Openness and transparency Proposed future management structure Practical operational considerations
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Themes: Role of Council The Parish Council should retain overall financial & legal responsibility and entrust day-to-day operational control and funding support for activities to a properly constituted and competent Management Committee consistent with the terms and conditions set by the grant providers and a framework agreement agreed with the Council. The earlier notion of a lease arrangement should be discarded in favour of a structure involving trustees.
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Management Structure The future management structure should be simple, flexible, accountable and representative of the whole community Charging Policy The future charging policy should be equitable, consistent with the regulations governing VAT and not disadvantage the Parish Hall.
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Policy Objectives: Sustainable arrangement into the longer term Fairness Need for level playing field in respect of charging policy Liaison with Parish Hall over booking and charging structure Simplicity Competency Management Committee members must have skills required Clear Governance Arrangements Respective roles & responsibilities of Council and Management Committee
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Openness and Transparency: Transparency vital Need for revitalised and improved communication Decisions on the use of the Community Pavilion should be open and transparent Inclusive Broad base of community involvement Cross-section of generational interests and talents All villagers should have voice, especially those most affected by activities taking place at the Pavilion, e.g. Parking, traffic, lighting noise and opening times
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Proposed Future Management Structure: Pyramid structure is unwieldy, inefficient and will probably prove ineffective Relationship between User Groups and Management Committee is overly complex and cumbersome No mention is made of the continuing and valued contribution of individual Trustees in the proposed management committee, but without the entanglement and liability of lease arrangements
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Practical Concerns: Improved operating practices and procedures Cleaning – need for permanent arrangement Waste collection – need for dustbin Car Parking and Directional signposting Noise and light pollution Booking System Maintenance Costs – likely to increase over time and be a drain on Council Tax List of key holders and emergency contacts Accident Fire Procedures
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Conclusions: Council’s consultation on future management options greatly appreciated. Acceptance that Council has inescapable role, financial responsibilities and accountabilities especially to grant providers that must continue to sit with the Council. Council’s role with regard to the future day-to-day operation of the Pavilion should be to provide clear framework and adequately resourced infrastructure
KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Conclusions cont’d: Within that operating framework there should be a properly established and fully representative and competent management committee that can operate freely and serve as an advisory body to the Council on all matters concerning the overall management of the Community Pavilion. The future charging policy and structure should be determined as quickly as possible consistent with the Council’s long term publicly stated intentions and the optimum arrangement consistent with the application of VAT rules and regulations, and be fair and equitable in relation to the position of the Parish Hall.