St Francis of Assisi Parish Derwood, MD
What is an Alternative Christmas Gift? ◦ You make a donation to a charity in lieu of giving someone a “store-bought” gift ◦ That donation represents a gift that helps our brothers and sisters in need locally and globally A great example of an Alternative Christmas Gift is Heifer International – where you “buy” a flock of chicks for $20 for a family in a developing world country You get a card to give saying that you bought chicks The family gets the chicks and later on, eggs to sell or trade for income
Why Start an Alternative Christmas Gift Program? ◦ To provide a way to reduce or replace the secular, commercial celebration of Christmas with a simpler, faith-based celebration ◦ To raise money for local and global charities
How does it Work? ◦ Gift cards representing services/items provided by participating charities are purchased in lieu of buying a “store-bought” gift ◦ Gift cards can be purchased through Direct Card Sales after Masses (Set up a table in your Gathering Space. Parishioners buy the cards and take them home) Catalog Orders (Catalog contains a list of available gifts charities. Parishioners order the cards and card orders are filled and mailed back to them)
Get Everyone On Board ◦ Present the idea to have an Alternative Christmas Sale to your Social Concerns Committee ◦ Get your Pastor’s Approval Recruit Volunteers ◦ Place a notice in the bulletin seeking volunteers to plan, organize, and conduct the Alternative Christmas Sale
Plan the Sale ◦ Schedule a meeting with the Volunteers Decide on what charities to support Set date(s) for the Sale Set a location for the Sale Get your Pastor’s OK for the Sale Dates & Location Contact Your Charities ◦ Let them know you’re planning an Alternative Christmas Sale ◦ Ask if they would supply gift cards and envelopes (50 is probably a good starting number
Communications ◦ Prepare a Flyer announcing the Sale to be placed in your bulletin ◦ Prepare bulletin “blurbs” for the weeks leading up to the sale ◦ Prepare talking points and get permission to speak about Alternative Christmas and announce the sale at each of the Masses ◦ Work with your Parish admin staff to get the Flyer and the bulletin blurbs posted in the bulletin
Get the Word Out ◦ 1 st or 2 nd Week in November – Bulletin Blurb describing Alternative Christmas and announcing the Sale ◦ 4 th Week in November – Flyer appears in bulletin ◦ 1 st Sunday in Advent – Catalog appears in bulletin ◦ Speak at Masses or ask the Priest to read as part of the announcements at Mass
Conduct the Sale (December) Pre-Sale Activities ◦ Create a Display for the Sales Table ◦ Set up the Sales Table ◦ Line up volunteers to staff the table after all the Masses Conduct the Sale Tally results by Charities Send Checks to Charities Prepare bulletin “blurb” to announce results of Alternative Christmas, thank participants and volunteers
Take one of our Quick Guides with you Contact us: ◦ Charles McCarthy, Social Concerns Director (301) / ◦ Alternative Christmas Program Coordinators Pat O’Connor (301) / Carol Lindsey ( 240) /