September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project1September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project1 Next Steps Familiarisation and Dialogue Discernment Decision
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project2September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project2 Familiarisation and Dialogue A one-month process, starting tonight Exhibition at the back of church Comments and suggestions box Autumn Festival Please talk to each other Be open to possibilities and benefits Another Parish Meeting 14 th October
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project3September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project3 Familiarisation and Dialogue A one-month process, starting tonight Exhibition at the back of church Comments and suggestions box Autumn Festival Please talk to each other Be open to possibilities and benefits Another Parish Meeting 14 th October
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project4September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project4 Familiarisation and Dialogue A one-month process, starting tonight Exhibition at the back of church Comments and suggestions box Autumn Festival Please talk to each other Be open to possibilities and benefits Another Parish Meeting 14 th October
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project5September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project5 Familiarisation and Dialogue A one-month process, starting tonight Exhibition at the back of church Comments and suggestions box Autumn Festival Please talk to each other Be open to possibilities and benefits Another Parish Meeting 14 th October
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project6September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project6 Familiarisation and Dialogue A one-month process, starting tonight Exhibition at the back of church Comments and suggestions box Autumn Festival Please talk to each other Be open to possibilities and benefits Another Parish Meeting 14 th October
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project7September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project7 October 14 th Meeting Summarise feedback Talk about pros and cons Questions and discussion Launch Discernment Stage, with initial views on whether any consensus is emerging
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project8September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project8 Discernment [Provisional plans] Survey parish views on the options Survey parish views on ‘paying for it’
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project9September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project9 Discernment [Provisional plans] Survey parish views on the options Survey parish views on ‘paying for it’ Analysis of survey and reporting results Discern a parish decision both as to what we do and about paying for it * Issue – confidentiality of survey
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project10September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project10 Discernment [Provisional plans] Survey parish views on the options Survey* parish views on ‘paying for it’ Analysis of survey and reporting results Discern a parish decision both as to what we do and about paying for it * Issue – confidentiality of survey
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project11September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project11 What Decision? No decision has yet been made The decision may be not to do anything beyond normal ongoing maintenance Or it may be to proceed with something like one of today’s options*, and to accept the costs * which are actually ‘only’ illustrations, giving us ideas and roughly how much they may cost
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project12September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project12 Decision [Provisional plans] Decision will flow from the discernment process - everyone’s vote counts. If decision is to proceed, we need diocesan support – clear evidence of parish support is vital Target Decision Date – before Christmas THEN: Move into implementation New Teams Start any necessary fund-raising
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project13September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project13 Decision [Provisional plans] Decision will flow from the discernment process - everyone’s vote counts. If decision is to proceed, we need diocesan support – clear evidence of parish support is vital Target Decision Date – before Christmas THEN: Move into implementation New teams Start any necessary fund-raising
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project14 Your Views ?
September 16, 2010St James' Hall and Social Centre Project15 Thank You See you on October 2 nd at the Autumn Festival!